This is a constructor to use with the DirectOutput.dll provided with the latest Logitech SDK, ESPECIALLY for setting the LEDs. This is based on the original Wrapper from
Just star the repo or make a donation.
- Find an example in the Form1.frm (Testingform)
- Import/add reference X56_Wrapper_x64.dll
- Simple straightforward
- Instance the Main Class
- Call instance.Open()
- Call instance.SetLed(device, rgbColor, brightness)
- Call instance.Close()
- No blackmagic, no manual page creation, no payload creation, no manual calculation of RGB to Int32
RGB to Integer32 formula = (256^2* R) + (256* G) + B
Integer32 to RGB:
R = /(256^2)
G = (/256) % 256
R = %256
C++ SetLed index (DirectOutput.dll from SDK) is binary, where 0 is for brightness(max value 100) and 1 for color(int32, max value 16777215[white])
Pull requests are very welcome.
Saitek/Logitech X56 - DirectOutput LED Wrapper was initially written by Markus Karl Wackermann.