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Artifactory Deploy Action

A GitHub action for deploying to a JFrog Artifactory server.


This action can be used to deploy artifacts to a JFrog artifactory server. It makes use of the "builds" and "artifact properties" features of Artifactory to link deployed artifacts to their builds.


Required Inputs

  • uri: URI of the Artifactory server

  • username: Username for authentication with Artifactory

  • password: Password for authentication with Artifactory

  • build-name: Name of the build

  • repository: Artifactory repository to which the artifacts should be deployed

  • folder: Folder containing the artifacts to deploy

Optional Inputs

  • artifact-properties: Properties to apply to the deployed artifacts. Each line should be of the form <includes>:<excludes>:<properties>. includes and excludes are comma-separated Ant patterns. properties is a comma-separated list of key=value pairs

  • build-uri: URI of the build that produced that artifacts that are to be deployed. Defaults to the URI of the current workflow run

  • project: Artifactory project in which the build info should be stored

  • threads: Number of threads to use when deploying artifacts. Defaults to 1

  • signing-key: A PGP/GPG signing key that will be used to sign artifacts before they are deployed

  • signing-passphrase: Passphrase of the signing key

Minimal Example

  - name: Deploy
    uses: spring-io/artifactory-deploy-action@main
      uri: ''
      username: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME }}
      password: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD }}
      build-name: 'example-build'
      repository: 'test-libs-snapshot-local'
      folder: 'deployment-repository'


The action uses the ACTION_STEPS_DEBUG environment variable to enable additional debug logging. This can be configured by passing through the value of the ACTION_STEPS_DEBUG secret that GitHub Actions sets when re-running with debug logging enabled:

  - name: Deploy
    uses: spring-io/artifactory-deploy-action@main


Artifactory Deploy Action is Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.