⭐ New Features
- Add Spring Batch version in the execution context #4215
🚀 Enhancements
- Update MySQL Connector/J and use new Maven coordinates #4211
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fix link to spring-batch.xsd in spring.schemas 05f6d13
Deprecations and API changes
- Remove support for Gemfire #4214
- Change setter name for isolationLevelForCreate in AbstractJobRepositoryFactoryBean #4213
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.0.0-RC1
- Upgrade to Spring Data 2022.0.0-RC1
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.0.0-RC1
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 3.0.0-RC1
- Upgrade to Spring for Apache Kafka 3.0.0-RC1
- Upgrade to Spring Retry 2.0.0-RC2
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.10.0-RC1
❤️ Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
Full Change log: 5.0.0-M8...5.0.0-RC1