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Release Train Babbage

Oliver Gierke edited this page Aug 5, 2013 · 31 revisions

This page contains a list of the most significant features and bugfixes implemented in the Spring Data Babbage release train that will not be back-ported into Arora service releases.

  • M1 - May 3rd, 2013
  • RC1 - EDA, early August
  • GA - EDA, SpringOne 2013

Participating modules

Spring Data Build - 1.1

M1 (1.1.0)

  • #10 - Upgrade to latest Querydsl (3.x).
  • #15 - Raise source compatibility to 1.6.

RC1 (1.1.1)

  • #19 - Upgrade to Querydsl 3.2.2.

Spring Data Commons - 1.6


  • DATACMNS-117 - HandlerMethodArgumentResolver implementations for Pageable and Sort.
  • DATACMNS-286 - Extended Pageable/Page API.
  • DATACMNS-281 - General support for ignoring case on Order.
  • DATACMNS-303 - Basic support for count…By(…) in derived queries.
  • DATACMNS-319 - More lenient lookup of repository beans from Repositories.
  • DATACMNS-310 - Integrate best-effort transaction manager from Neo4j module.
  • DATACMNS-299, DATACMNS-322 - Improved CDI features.
  • DATACMNS-295 - Ability to set modifyOnCreation flag on AuditingHandler.
  • DATACMNS-330 - Simplified configuration of web integration.
  • DATACMNS-331 - Introduce PagedResourcesAssembler to turn Page instances into PagedResources.
  • DATACMNS-333 - Jackson 2 support for repository initializers.


  • DATACMNS-344 - Repositories now also works with non-CrudRepository implementations.
  • DATACMNS-350 - Improve extensibility of ``Parameters/Parameter in repository subsystem.

Spring Data JPA - 1.4



  • DATAJPA-170, DATAJPA-368 - Support for SpEL expressions in manually defined queries.
  • DATAJPA-348, DATAJPA-269 - Improvements in handling of @IdClass
  • DATAJPA-346 - EclipseLink specific fix to avoid full joins on adding sort options to a query.
  • DATAJPA-107 - Support for TemporalType on query parameter binding.
  • DATAJPA-353 - ClassPathScanningPersistenceUnitPostProcessor now returns mapping file paths as defined in the JPA spec.

Spring Data MongoDB - 1.3



  • DATAMONGO-586 - Support for MongoDB aggregation framework.
  • DATAMONGO-721 - Improved storage of type information in update cases.
  • DATAMONGO-709 - Added support for restricting queries to find only documents of a given type.

Spring Data Neo4j - 2.3


  • DATAGRAPH-351 - AnnotationBasedPersistentProperty (to benefit from annotation caching introduced in Spring Data Commons).


  • DATAGRAPH-345 - Support for count…By(…) in derived queries.
  • Support for type type safe query methods on repositories.


Spring Data Gemfire

  • Support for count…By(…) in derived queries (?)
  • CDI support (?)

Spring Data Solr - 1.0


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