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Release Train SpringOne 2012

Oliver Gierke edited this page Mar 8, 2013 · 1 revision
  • x - Done or already released
  • o - Currently in progress
  • (o) - Scheduled for that release but not in progress yet
Date Jun 2012 Jul 23rd, 2012 Aug 23rd, 2012 Sep, 2012 Oct 2012 / Spring One
Commons 1.3.0 GA 1.4.0 M1 1.4.0 RC 1.4.0 GA 1.5.0 M1
DATACMNS-47 - JavaConfig - x - - -
DATACMNS-58 - Repo initializers - x - - -
Developer guide - - - (o) -
DATACMNS-164 - Marshaled domain classes - x - - -
JPA 1.1.0 GA 1.2.0 M1 1.2.0 RC 1.2.0 GA 1.3.0 M1
DATAJPA-211 - CDI x - - - -
DATAJPA-69 - JavaConfig - x - - -
MongoDB 1.1.0 M1 1.1.0 M2 1.1.0 RC1 1.1.0 GA 1.2.0 M1
DATAMONGO-6 - GridFS x - - - -
DATAMONGO-36 - JSR-303 x - - - -
DATAMONGO-356 - CDI x - - - -
DATAMONGO-476 - JavaConfig - x - - -
DATAMONGO-279 - Optimistic locking - - - x -
Neo4j 2.1.0 RC1 2.1.0 RC2 2.1.0 GA 2.2.0 M1
DATAGRAPH-266 - JavaConfig - - x - -
CDI - - (o) - -
Gemfire 1.2.0 M1 1.2.0 RC1 1.2.0 GA 1.3.0 M1
SGF-82 - Mapping support x - - - -
SGF-83 - Repository support x - - - -
SGF-102 - JavaConfig - - x - -
Cache namespace - - o - -
Keywords - - o - -
SGF-106 - Indexing - - (o) - -
SGF-105 - Associations - - (o) - -
CDI (?) - - - - -
REST exporters 1.0.0 RC1 1.0.0 RC2 1.0.0 GA 1.1.0 M1
Pagination x - - - -
Non-JPA repositories - - - - (o)
Non-CrudRepositories - - - - (o)
Ditch Views for HttpMessageConverters - - (o) - -
XML support - - - - (o)
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