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Release Train Ingalls

Oliver Gierke edited this page Dec 22, 2016 · 40 revisions

This page contains a list of the most significant features and bugfixes implemented in the Spring Data Ingalls release train that will not be back-ported into Hopper service releases.

  • M1 - July, 27th 2016
  • RC1 - December, 20th 2016
  • GA - January, 16th 2016
  • SR1 - tba
  • SR2 - tba
  • SR3 - tba

Core themes

  • Use of method handles for property access in conversion subsystem (Commons, MongoDB).
  • Support for Javaslang's Option, collection and map types for repository query methods.
  • Any-match mode for query-by-example.
  • Support for XML and JSON based projections for REST payloads (Commons)
  • CORS support for Spring Data REST
  • Add MongoDB Aggregation Framework operators for array, arithmetic, date and set operations.
  • Upgrade to Cassandra 3.0.
  • Support for query derivation on Cassandra repository query methods.
  • Support Java 8 types (Optional, Stream), JSR-310 and ThreeTen back-port types for Cassandra.
  • Support for Redis geo commands.
  • Migration of LDAP Repository support from Spring LDAP into Spring Data LDAP.

Participating modules

  1. Spring Data Build 1.9
  2. Spring Data Commons 1.13
  3. Spring Data JPA 1.11
  4. Spring Data MongoDB 1.10
  5. Spring Data Neo4j 4.2
  6. Spring Data Solr 2.1
  7. Spring Data Elasticsearch 2.1
  8. Spring Data Couchbase 2.2
  9. Spring Data for Apache Cassandra 1.5
  10. Spring Data Gemfire 1.9
  11. Spring Data Redis 1.8
  12. Spring Data REST 2.6
  13. Spring Data KeyValue 1.2
  14. Spring Data Envers 1.1
  15. Spring Data LDAP 1.0

Spring Data Build - 1.9


Spring Data Commons - 1.13


  • DATACMNS-809 - PropertyAccessor implementation based on method handles.
  • DATACMNS-879 - Any-match mode for query-by-example.
  • DATACMNS-885 - Support for XML and JSON based projections for REST requests.


  • DATACMNS-928 - Support to easily expose domain events as Spring application events from aggregate roots.
  • DATACMNS-875 - Support for exists projection from derived query methods.
  • DATACMNS-937, DATACMNS-940 - Support for Javaslang's Option, collection and map types on repository query methods.
  • DATACMNS-951 - Add Converters for JSR-310 Duration and Period.
  • DATACMNS-959 - Register repository interceptor to allow detecting a surrounding transaction.
  • DATACMNS-941 - Support for downcasts in Querydsl web bindings.

Spring Data JPA - 1.11



  • DATAJPA-920 - Support for exists projection on query methods.
  • DATAJPA-1023 - Stream execution now rejects invocation without surrounding transaction.
  • DATAJPA-1023 - Reject stream executions if not executed within transaction.

Spring Data MongoDB - 1.10



  • DATAMONGO-1454 - Support for exists projection on query methods.
  • DATAMONGO-1536 - Add aggregation operators for array, arithmetic, date and set operations.
  • DATAMONGO-1539 - Add @CountQuery and @DeleteQuery to ease manual declaration of count and delete queries.
  • DATAMONGO-1467 - Support for partial filter expressions on indexes.
  • DATAMONGO-1539 - Dedicated annotations for manually declared count and delete queries.
  • DATAMONGO-1470 - AbstractMongoConfiguration now allows multiple base package for @Document scanning.
  • DATAMONGO-442 - Username / password authentication support for MongoLog4jAppender.
  • DATAMONGO-1141 - Add support for $pushand $sort in Update.

Spring Data Neo4j - 4.2



Spring Data Solr - 2.1


  • DATASOLR-173 - Allow registration of custom converters with multicore support enabled.
  • DATASOLR-313 - Use native Solr Schema API.


-DATASOLR-137 - Support for spellcheck.

Spring Data Elasticsearch - 2.1


Spring Data Couchbase - 2.2


  • DATACOUCH-228 - Improve performance using asynchronous API for view querying.


Spring Data for Apache Cassandra - 1.5


  • DATACASS-7 - Support for query derivation on Cassandra repository query methods.
  • DATACASS-141 - Support for enumeration mapping.
  • DATACASS-219 - On startup CREATE TABLE from entities should only add if not exists.
  • DATACASS-247 - Optional<T> return type for repositories.
  • DATACASS-271 - Upgrade Cassandra Java driver to 3.0.
  • DATACASS-288 - Support for Cassandra batch operations.
  • DATACASS-296 - Use CustomConversions for JSR-310, JodaTime and ThreeTen Backport types.
  • DATACASS-297 - Support for streaming queries to select entities.


Spring Data Gemfire - 1.9


  • SGF-492 - Enhanced Java-based configuration support.
  • SGF-496 - Upgrade to GemFire 8.2.1.
  • SGF-499 - Destroy Pools before Client Regions.
  • SGF-504 - Support for multiple SD modules on classpath.


  • SGF-528 - Enables specific, named Regions to be used in Spring's Cache Abstraction.
  • SGF-534 - Fixes GemfireRepository.findAll(:Sort) queries to be unique.
  • SGF-535 - Support SpEL and property placeholders in Pool 'locators/servers' attributes.
  • SGF-539 - Cache.evict(key) calls Region.remove(key) to avoid EntryNotFoundException.
  • SGF-555 - Fixes RegionNotFoundException with Repository queries on client Regions associated with a Pool targeting a specific server group.
  • SGF-570 - Decouples the GatewaySenders/Receivers lifecycle from the Spring container.
  • SGF-106 - Support for creating indexes via annotations.
  • SGF-516 - Support for configuring expiration via annotations.

Spring Data Redis - 1.8



Spring Data REST - 2.6


  • DATAREST-848 - Upgrade to the latest HAL browser.
  • DATAREST-837 - Move ResourceProcessor invoking infrastructure to Spring HATEOAS.
  • DATAREST-840 - Make sure Jackson HandlerInstantiator can use Spring dependency injection.


  • DATAREST-573 - Support for CORS configuration.
  • DATAREST-925 - ResourceProcessor instances invoked for nested projections.
  • DATAREST-835 - Item resource headers added to query resource results returning a single item.
  • DATAREST-941 - Upgrade to HAL browser version that supports nested _embedded declarations.

Spring Data KeyValue - 1.2



  • DATAKV-142 - Consider PartTree.isLimiting() and PartTree.getMaxResults() when creating queries.

Spring Data Envers - 1.1


Spring Data LDAP - 1.0


  • Added module to release train.
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