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Mohsin Husen edited this page Jan 4, 2014 · 2 revisions

Search JIRA first; create an issue if necessary

Is there already an issue that addresses your concern? Do a bit of searching in our JIRA issue tracker to see if you can find something similar. If not, please create a new issue before submitting a pull request unless the change is truly trivial, e.g. typo fixes, removing compiler warnings, etc.

Sign the contributor license agreement

Very important, before we can accept any Spring Integration contributions, we will need you to sign the contributor license agreement (CLA). Signing the CLA does not grant anyone commit rights to the main repository, but it does mean that we can accept your contributions, and you will get an author credit if we do. In order to read and sign the CLA, please go to:

For Project, please select Spring Data Access. The Project Lead is Oliver Gierke.

Once you've completed the web form, simply add the following in a comment on your pull request:

I have signed and agree to the terms of the SpringSource Individual
Contributor License Agreement.

Fork the Repository

  1. Go to
  2. Hit the "fork" button and choose your own github account as the target
  3. For more detail see