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Working with Git branches

Marcus Hert Da Coregio edited this page Jun 11, 2024 · 1 revision

Merge Forward

We use the same setup from Spring Boot to create issues when merging fixes forward. Please see

Preventing incorrect merges between branches

Since the history of the branches are synced, it is possible to apply a fast-forward merge from a newer branch into an older branch (6.2.x into 5.8.x for example) without any conflicts, and this has caused some problems in the past (see gh-15028).

Because of that, we created a pre-push hook that verifies if the version present in the file matches the name of the branch.


  1. Make sure that you are using Git Worktree
  2. Run git config core.hooksPath to find where Git will look for hooks for that repository. One suggestion is to have it in the parent worktree folder, something like:
|   .git-hooks <-- here
│   5.8.x
│   6.2.x
  1. Go to the hooks folder you found:
cd spring-security/.git-hooks
  1. Create a symlink for the pre-push script into spring-security/.git-hooks:
ln -s ../main/git/hooks/pre-push pre-push

And that's it. Now if you try to push your changes and the version from does not match the branch name, you will see an error with a message similar to: "Branch name 6.2.x does not match the version prefix '6.3' in Make sure you are pushing to the right branch."