App support lib: HomeCenter for HomeKit
Hello dear developer community. Let's clean up the new types of Apple HomeKit. While Apple has forgotten about our needs, everyone adds their services and characteristics as he wants. At the same time, in every project or even a Apple HomeKit-Ready device - completely different data types and storage locations can be used - for the same kinds of data. As a result, it can not be controlled. Please let's stick to a single standard until Apple remembers us.
The principles of Apple were taken as the basis of the library.
We use
Let's develop and expand this library.
- Fix names for Apple way: AtmosphericPressureLevel -> CurrentAtmosphericPressure, NoiseLevel -> CurrentNoiseLevel
- New service UltravioletSensor with characteristics: CurrentUltraviolet
- New service PowerMeter with characteristics: Volts, Amperes, Watts, VoltAmperes, KilowattHours, KilowattVoltAmpereHour
- New service AtmosphericPressureSensor with characteristics: AtmosphericPressureLevel
- New service NoiseSensor with characteristics: NoiseDetected, NoiseLevel
- New service NoiseLevelSensor with characteristics: NoiseLevel