This game allows you to play pong with your webcam. You control your paddle by waving a colored object in front of the camera. You can put spin on the ball by moving your paddle rapidly just as the ball hits it.
I don't have time to polish it, so it is very rough around the edges, but still fun.
In order for pyglet to play sounds, you must install libav:
sudo apt-get install libavbin0
Of course, don't forget opencv:
sudo apt-get install python-opencv
Once everything is installed, simply run:
- Select a region of the screen with your mouse to train the color tracker
- To start the game, press s
- To pause the game, press p
- To end the game and start a new one, press n
- To toggle the color tracker's debug screen, press d
All sounds are Creative Commons licensed, from
The ball image is from