A web application which allows users to discover artists, albums, and tracks - with the ability for registered users to leave reviews on music, and create and view playlists.
The app uses Python/Flask for the backend, React (Javascript) for the frontend, and MySQL for the database. It also utilizes the Spotify Web API to fetch information about artists and music.
This webapp uses MySQL for the database. If you do not have MySQL installed, please download and install it from https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/installer/. When you create a user and password, set both to root
so that you won't have to modify boombox.py.
The backend runs under a python virtual environment. To create the virtual environment:
cd /backend
python -m venv 447_backend
You will then need to activate the virtual environment, then install packages for the backend to run:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Then finally, to run the backend:
cd /447_backend/src
python boombox.py
NOTE: You may need to change the database login information in boombox.py. Change "MYSQL_USER" and "MYSQL_PASSWORD" to match your user credentials for MySQL.
To install packages for the frontend:
cd ../../../frontend/Boombox/boombox/src
npm install
Then to run the frontend:
npm start
The application will automatically launch a browser tab in your primary browser with the URL localhost:3000