I created this simple app to practice several frontend and backend technologies. Since i developed this project in a short time period (4 days), some features are not implemented (for example adress input on checkout).
- Clone this repository
- Navigate into the backend-folder
cd backend
- Create virual environment:
python -m venv .venv
- Activate it:
(windows)source .venv/bin/activate
(mac) - Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Insert your Stripe apikeys (public & secret) in products/constants.py
- Make migrations
python manage.py makemigrations
- Migrate
python manage.py migrate
- Create admin user
python manage.py createsuperuser
- Run server
python manage.py runserver
- Manually create some dummy test-products
Method 1)
- Open App with Expo Go by visiting this link.
Method 2)
- Navigate into backend-folder
cd mobile-app
(from root directory) - Install packages
yarn install
- Start Expo App
expo start
At the beginning of the project I created a prototype with Figma.
- react native with expo
- react-navigation
- @reduxjs/toolkit (& rtk query)
- react-redux
- @stripe/stripe-react-native
- expo-font & expo-google-fonts
- react-native-simple-markdown
- react-native-skeleton-content
- react-native-status-bar-height
- expo-app-loading
- django
- djangorestframework
- pillow
- stripe