This repository contains projects that demonstrate functionality of JavaScript on Front-End and the Back-End.
This repo consists of the following projects:
- Mixed Messages: A random silly excuse generator.
- Number Guesser: An interactive number guessing web game.
- Rock-Paper-Scissors x99: A 3-round variation of Rock-Paper-Scissors as an interactive web game.
- The Scoop: A web app for users to post articles, comment, and upvote/downvote them.
- Boss Machine: An API based unique management application for accomplished minions.
- Expresso: A full back-end CRUD API for a local cafe.
Need to have Node.js on terminal to run the projects. To check if you have Node.js and npm installed, type these in your terminal:
npm -v
node -v
Follow this link if you have not installed Node.js: Install Node.js
The projects run on the ES6 version of JavaScript and require fairly recent web browser versions to run the web applications.
To use the projects, you need to either clone the repo or download zip of the repo. Then, go to the appropriate folder to check out the project:
git clone
Tutorials, materials referenced from Codecademy: