This is a Kademlia Simulator that was used in the research project for the new Service Discovery in Ethereum 2.0 (Discv5) (available at: The simulator is built on top of PeerSim and it is based on the Kademlia implementation from Daniele Furlan and Maurizio Bonani that can be found here.
To run the simulator it is necessary to have Java and Maven installed. For Ubuntu systems just run:
$ sudo apt install maven default-jdk
To execut a simulation it is necessary to call the, with a configuration file as a parameter. For example:
$ ./ config/kademlia.cfg
Follow PeerSim documentation
If you want to contribute:
- Fork the repo to your repo
- Write your contribution
- Rebase your code (here's a tutorial) to make sure the changes introduced into the main repo are take into account in your contribution
- Create a pull request
Javadoc generated documentation