Write your emails using mjml framework on rails, using any template language supported by Rails
This gem will processes html part of your mail using mjml
cli before delivery, just use mjml_mail
function for delivery instead of mail
class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base
include MjmlPremailer::MjmlMail # adds function `mjml_mail`
layout "mailer"
class WelcomeMailer < ApplicationMailer
def welcome(user)
@user = user
mjml_mail(to: @user.email, subject: 'Welcome')
<!-- app/views/layouts/mailer.html.erb -->
My site
<%= yield %>
<!-- app/views/welcome_mailer/welcome.html.erb -->
<mj-text>Hello, <%= @user.name %></mj-text>
Or you can transform mail object yourself using
Example rails project you can find here
Mjml documentation is here
Install mjml
npm package (v4) globally
$ npm install -g mjml@^4.0
or locally
$ npm install --save-dev mjml@^4.0
Add the gem to your Gemfile
gem "mjml-premailer"
In /config/initializers/mjml_premailer.rb
minify: Rails.env.production?, # default - false
beautify: !Rails.env.production?, # default - true
keep_comments: !Rails.env.production?, # default - false
## other possible options
# debug: false, # default - false
# bin: ..., # by default bin path is found authomatically, but you can specify it here
# validation_level: :skip # default - :skip, possible options - :strict/:soft/:skip
More about options here
- no support for
- best gem I found, this gem is based on it, thanks kolybasov for his work
- doesnt support mjml v4 (at time of writing)
- doesnt support template languages other then erb (at least I didnt managed)
make run_env
make test
make publish