Scan thousands hosts in your Active Directory domain in minutes/hours. Scanner main features include multithreading, overview and a detailed report about Log4j vulnerabilities in your enviroment, that display, for instance, how many vulnerabilties were found in each host, files paths with vulnerabilities, charts, top vulnerable hosts, summary and mail report.
Created by: Hércules Gustavo Gusmao
Creation date: 03/01/2022
Version: 1.0
☆ Get enabled servers list from Active Directory included: OS, OU, IP and creation date.
☆ Multithreading scan over PsExec, using Qualys scanner.
☆ How many vulnerabilties were found in each host and file paths with vulnerabilities.
☆ Memory overload protection, pause execution when exceed 80% memory used.
☆ Generate CSV results.
☆ Generate charts.
☆ Generate detailed logs.
☆ Top 10 vulnerable hosts.
☆ Send e-mail report.
- Query AD computers privileges (Get-ADComputer).
- Administrator privileges on all domain hosts.
- Connectivity with ports 135 and 445 to all domain hosts.
- PsExec execution privileges.
- Mail server with open relay to send mail.
- Direct download:
- Unzip LOG4J.ZIP to C:\LOG4J.
- Edit C:\LOG4J\LOG4J.PS1 and change #E-MAIL variables: $FROM, $TO, $SUBJECT, $SMTP_SERVER and $SMTP_PORT.
- Execute C:\LOG4J\LOG4J.PS1.
- Don't use PsExec while running the scanner, since it monitors PsExec process's to finish data collection.
- Servers list will be saved on C:\LOG4J\COMPUTERS\SERVERS.CSV.
- Detailed logs will be pupulated on C:\LOG4J\LOGS\ and moved to (FAIL, VULNERABLE or NOT_VULNERABLE).
- Results with Chart, CSV and Log Detail will be saved on C:\LOG4J\RESULTS.
- You can monitor scanner execution by running "tasklist | findstr /i psexec" on a new PowerShell window..Scan is concluded if no process is listed.
- Include fail reason.
- Processor usage overload protection.
- Percentages to console and HTML body.
- Chart embedded on mail report.