Eggplant Interview
git clone Install aws-cli Running k8s environment Travis environment
##Task 1 Used Python for web application to run with port 8080
###To build docker image and run locally
docker build -t eggplant .
docker run -p 8080:8080 eggplant
in the web browser
##Task 2 ###Deploy Postgres RDS Cloudformation Used Cloudformation template to create RDS stack with Master and Read Replica
Replace your own VPC ID, Private Subnet ID's and Public Subnet ID's in rds.yml template before deploy. *Option: Change MultiAZDatabase default option to true if you want enable High availability of RDS
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name eggplant-rds --template-body file://cfn-templates/rds.yaml
##Task 3 Created helm chart to deploy the above created container in k8s cluster
kubectl create namespace exercise
helm install eggplant ./Helm --namespace exercise
##Task 4 Created Travis CI stages to run above tasks in each stage using ".travis.yaml" file.