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Opinionated React library covering form validation, data loading, and Bootstrap components.

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WARNING: Not intended for the general public

iti-react is MIT licensed and you may use it however you wish! However, iti-react is intended for internal use in Interface Technologies projects and may not be suitable for your project. In particular:

  • We don't follow semver and make a lot of breaking changes. Review before updating.
  • The TypeScript source is published directly to npm. We don't transpile to normal JavaScript before publishing.
  • The library assumes you are using Bootstrap 5, Moment.js, Tippy.js, and FontAwesome 5.
  • permissions relies on your backend supporting a very specific "get permissions" API method.
  • check-for-js-bundle-update-saga depends on Redux Saga and requires a hidden element to be in your index.html.

If you'd still like to use iti-react, feel free to contact me at

In the future, parts of the project may be broken out into standalone packages that are intended for the general public.


Hooks and utilities that work in both React DOM and React Native projects.


  • Form validation
  • Hooks for querying data (switching to react-query for new projects)


Hooks, utilities, and components for React DOM projects. Exports everything from iti-react-core. This means that every function/type/variable in the iti-react-core API documentation is also in the iti-react documentation.


  • Form inputs for selects, time, date, phone number, time zone, files
  • Commonly-used components: Bootstrap modal dialog, confirmation dialog, pager, submit button with loading indicator


  1. yarn add --exact @interface-technologies/iti-react
  2. Install the required peer dependencies: yarn add react-datepicker @popperjs/core bootstrap react react-dom react-router-dom
  3. Add @import '~@interface-technologies/iti-react/dist/iti-react.scss'; to your top-level SCSS file.


This is a legacy package not to be used in new projects.

Exports a convenientGetFactory for making an API method that retrieves permissions and a usePermissions hook for accessing those permissions in a component.


Checks index.html every few minutes to see if a new JavaScript bundle has been published, then prompts the user to refresh the page if necessary.


An ESLint config that extends eslint-config-airbnb-typescript and disables some annoying rules.

Install the package and its peer dependencies with

yarn add --dev @interface-technologies/eslint-config @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser eslint eslint-config-prettier eslint-config-airbnb eslint-config-airbnb-typescript eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-react-hooks eslint-plugin-promise eslint-import-resolver-typescript eslint-plugin-jest eslint-plugin-testing-library

Then set your .eslintrc.js to

module.exports = {
    extends: "@interface-technologies"

Recommmended Plugins

eslint-plugin-redux-saga: if your project uses redux-saga. Make these changes to .eslintrc.js:

extends: Add 'plugin:redux-saga/recommended'
plugins: Add 'redux-saga'
rules: Add 'redux-saga/no-unhandled-errors': 'off'


A Prettier config. Use it by installing the package and adding this to your package.json:

    "prettier": "@interface-technologies/prettier-config",


A TypeScript config. Use it by installing the package and setting your tsconfig.json to

    "extends": "@interface-technologies/tsconfig",
    "compilerOptions": {
        "noEmit": true

If using absolute imports:

    "extends": "@interface-technologies/tsconfig",
    "compilerOptions": {
        "baseUrl": "./src",
        "noEmit": true

noEmit is explicitly stated so that your project doesn't get cluttered with .js files if the base tsconfig can't be resolved for some reason.


A config for lint-staged that lints your TypeScript files and prettifies everything.

  1. Install the package as well as lint-staged.
  2. Add a package.json script: "lint-staged": "lint-staged --no-stash". lint-staged stashing is stupid and will cause you to lose your work.
  3. Create a lint-staged.config.js file:
const getLintStagedConfig = require('@interface-technologies/lint-staged-config')

module.exports = getLintStagedConfig()

// **OR**

module.exports = getLintStagedConfig({ lintIgnorePatterns: ['**/Models/Generated/**/*'] })


This is a legacy package not to be used in new projects. I may resurrect it at some point.

Exports a getWebpackConfig function that returns a Webpack configuration object, except the entry key which you need to set yourself.

  1. Install the package and its peer dependencies:
yarn add --dev @interface-technologies/webpack-config autoprefixer css-loader postcss postcss-loader sass-loader style-loader ts-loader typescript webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server
  1. Create a Webpack config file similar to this:
const path = require('path')
const getWebpackConfig = require('@interface-technologies/webpack-config')

module.exports = (env, argv) => {
    return {
            mode: argv.mode,
            workspacePackageJsonPath: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../package.json'),
            outputPath: path.resolve(__dirname, '../Website/wwwroot/dist'),

            enableBugsnagUpload: !!env.enableBugsnagUpload,
            bugsnagApiKey: 'API KEY HERE',

            devServerPort: 12345,
            enableBundleAnalyzer: false,
        entry: {
            app: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/App.tsx'),


A Jest configuration. It enables fake timers and automatically resets mocks before each test.

  1. yarn add --dev @interface-technologies/jest-config
  2. Add jest.config.js:
module.exports = {

    // other config here

Developer Documentation



Opinionated React library covering form validation, data loading, and Bootstrap components.




