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Installation per user (experimental)

Stephan Rumswinkel edited this page Jun 16, 2022 · 4 revisions

Warning: Installing EverythingToolbar per user is known to not always work. Currently I am not sure why this happens. Whenever this is the case it will show up in the toolbars context menu but can't be enabled.


Extract program files from installer

msiexec /a "C:\full\path\to\EverythingToolbar-x.x.x.msi" /qb TARGETDIR="C:\full\target\dir\path"

Note: msiexec requires full paths.

Add installation/removal scripts

  • Download the installation/removal scripts and extract the two files install.bat and uninstall.bat into the same folder containing EverythingToolbar.dll.
  • Edit install.bat and replace the version number (line 3) with the version of EverythingToolbar you want to install. Please add trailing zeros so that the version number consists of four numbers (e.g.


  • Copy the whole folder to the desired installation directory
  • Run install.bat
  • Open the toolbars context menu twice for EverythingToolbar to show up


  • Run uninstall.bat
  • Delete program files