An LLM-based file renamer.
I organize my files in a tree structure. So the filename itself actually needs to be short. The multiple directories and subdirectories provide the context.
For example, a file named slide-week-01' would be in a directory:
fall/COMP-XX/slides/`. The filename might have redundant information, like the course name, or the semester.
The problem I run into is I often download files which have long names. I want to rename them to something short and meaningful. I want to do this quickly, without having to think too much about it.
LLM makes this possible.
Prereq. Dotnet.
Create an .env file anywhere.
Apply for a key, if you don't have one already Google Makersuite
already exists, see prompts/prompt-00. Of course, you can create your own.
If you'd like to add it to your path to run it from anywhere, just symlink it to your home bin or usr bin.
ln -s /path/to/repo/bin/Release/net7.0/file-renamer file-renamer ~/bin/file-renamer
Train the model a new mapping.
dotnet run -- add original_name new_name
Will rename the files. If there are conflicts in the generated names, or new file conflicts with an existing one, will fail.
dotnet run -- rename [files]
Run it in dry-run mode to see what it would do.
dotnet run -- rename --dry-run [files]
Or, add verbosity
dotnet run -- rename --verbose [files]
Or, hide files which are already named well.
dotnet run -- rename --hide-no-changes [files]
Or, train it. Training implies dry-run.
dotnet run -- rename --train [files]