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Repository files navigation

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Container-based Installation

Use the packaged container to install dotfiles and all dependencies.

Run this:

git clone
./dotfiles/scripts/ <command>


  • Script uses docker to run the container.
  • By default, the shim will use an Ubuntu container.
  • For an Archlinux container use scritps/ -archlinux <command>
  • Shim passes ssh-agent keys to container.
  • Shim mounts host's current working directory to /cwd.

Local Installation

Install the dotfiles and dependencies on the local machine.

Run this:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd dotfiles
./install_profile <profile>


  • Update configuration files for user.
    • meta/config/git.yaml
  • The installer script can load profiles located in meta/profiles/:
    • macos: For MacOS
    • ubuntu: For Ubuntu desktop
    • ubuntu-minimal: For text-based Ubuntu distributions
    • archlinux-minimal: For text-based Archlinux distributions
  • To install individual components (from meta/config/) use the script.
  • Once installed, the scripts/ script is accessible as the shim command.

Setup Development Environment

Install pre-commit hooks:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install