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Setting up the PC (Instructions below assume Ubuntu 18)

  1. Install Anaconda distribution of python 3.8. For remote installation use:
  2. Install awscli
  3. Install gcc
  4. Install ruby
  5. Create conda environment: conda create -n peace python=3.8 and then conda activate peace
  6. Install wayback-machine-downloader: sudo gem install wayback_machine_downloader
  7. Install NVIDIA GPU drivers(depending on the machine)

Setting up the Pipeline

Install the required packages

  1. Install peace-machine from github: pip install -U git+

Setup the Mongo Database

  1. Download + Install MongoDB Server
  2. (Optional) Set local database base in mongod.conf file
  3. In Command Prompt / Terminal, start server with mongod
    • If you want to start the server on a specific drive (ex: D:/): mongod --dbpath D:/ OR:
      • Make sure you're starting the database in a path with the following folders /data/db/
      • Change your directory: cd D:
      • Launch the server: mongod
  4. Create database and collection:
    • In a new Terminal, enter the mongo shell: mongo
    • Create the database (this one named "ml4p"): use ml4p
    • Create a new collection (this one named "articles"): db.createCollection('articles')
    • Create an index for the collection on the "url" field: db.articles.createIndex({'url':1}, {unique: true})
      • This is so duplicate url's aren't inserted and we can do quick searches on the url
  5. Set up access control
  6. Set up firewall permissions
  7. Create known actors collection
  8. Set up actors system [Akanksha]

Setup ElasticSearch wikipedia

  1. Install ElasticSearch
  2. Import Wikipedia
  3. Attach whatever pageview stats you want.

Run the Scrapers

Site-direct scrapers

  1. Set up MongoDB (see above)
  2. Install the fork of news-please with Mongo integration: pip install -U git+
  3. Follow the news-please documentation for initial run / config
  4. Edit the config.cfg and sitelist.hjson created in the above step:
    • sitelist.hjson can be configured automatically using the create_sitelist function in
    • Set the MongoDB URI
    • Ensure MongoStorage is in the pipeline at the bottom of the config.cfg file
  5. Re-launch the scrapers with: news-please -c [CONFIG_LOCATION]
    • Include -resume flag if the code has been run previously

CC-News scrapers

  1. Set up MongoDB (see above)
  2. Check/edit the sitelist ~/DIRECTORY_FOR_STORING_LOGS/config/sitelist.hjson
  3. Edit the directory and settings in the file inside of peace-machine
  4. Execute the CC-News parser: python
    • This will track the .warc files you have already downloaded/parsed. If you add a new domain (and thus need to rerun the files), set my_continue_process = False in
  5. Rerun whenever you want to collect new data

Run De-Deuplication and Patch Script

  1. Open terminal and got to peace-machine/peacemachine/scripts
  2. Run the patch file: python3
    Note: Make sure you run this script before running the locatrion, translation and event extractor pipeline

Run translation

  1. Open a new terminal
  2. Run: peace-machine -t [ISO2 LANGUAGE CODE]
    • Ex: peace-machine -t es
    • Other options (such as batch sizing) are available using peace-machine --help
    • Iso2 language code must be in the languages collection of the DB

Run the Event Extraction

  1. Open a new terminal
  2. Run the extractor: peace-machine -u [MongoDB URI] -e [MODEL NAME] -b [BATCH SIZE] -ml [LOCATION OF MODEL ON DRIVE]
    • EX: peace-machine -u mongodb://username:password@ -e civic1 -b 768 -ml "/mnt/d/peace-machine/peacemachine/data/finetuned-transformers"


  1. Linux