Downloads Zoom Cloud recordings and uploads them to Google Drive
Start by creating a Zoom app and obtain a JWT token to authenticate against their API
Then you will need to create a Google service account that uses OAuth2 to connect to the Google Drive API
- Create a service account in the Google Developer Console and download the credentials.json
- Delegate domain-wide authority to the service account so it can act on behalf of users
- Assign the Google Drive API scope to the service account in G Suite Admin console
Save the Google credentials.json
and create the following config.json
file in the root directory.
const config = {
zoom: {
// JWT APP Token
token: 'exampleKNpN177KTB_XW-wLQ9o',
baseUrl: '',
limit: 2, // Number of recordings to return (300 max)
from: '2020-04-01', // Only return recordings starting from this date
daysToKeep: 14 // Number of days to leave on Zoom Cloud
downloadFolder: '/share/zoom-archiver-backup/downloads',
gdriveUploadFolder: 'example12YIyHHtSj' // Folder ID
module.exports = config;