The ST4SD Registry UI is a web interface for the ST4SD Runtime Service, written in Vue 3.
Running and developing this website requires an up-to-date Node.js version. You can check what Node.js version you have currently installed with
node -v
Please refer to the Node.js download page if you don't have it installed or if your installed version is older than 20.
The project requires access to a
backend service to work. The
development configuration provided intercepts the calls to the
backend and forwards them to
To use a local development version of the st4sd-registry-backend
please follow
the instructions provided at:
Another option is to port-forward the backend from the OpenShift project where we deployed ST4SD. To access it, after ensuring we are logged in to the OpenShift cluster, we can run the following command:
kubectl port-forward svc/st4sd-registry-backend 8085:8085 -n $DEPLOYMENT_NAMESPACE
is the namespace where you deployed ST4SD. You can
omit it if you're forwarding the service from the active namespace (you can
check what the active namespace is with oc project
Install the dependencies for this project with:
yarn install
This command will build a development version of the website (without optimizations) and start a server where you can preview the changes you've made, with hot reloading capabilities.
yarn serve
This command will create a production-ready build of the website. It will apply optimizations such as minifying the output files.
yarn build
Please feel free to reach out to one of the maintainers listed in the page.
We always welcome external contributions. Please see our guidance for details on how to do so.
If you use ST4SD in your projects, please consider citing the following:
author = {Johnston, Michael A. and Vassiliadis, Vassilis and Pomponio, Alessandro and Pyzer-Knapp, Edward},
license = {Apache-2.0},
month = {12},
title = {{Simulation Toolkit for Scientific Discovery}},
url = {},
year = {2022}
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. Please see details here.