Crawls all the urls on a specified domain and creates an entry for each in the Django database.
Create the database: python syncdb
The location of the database file is hardcoded in the settings file. I couldn't figure out a way around this so it will have to be modified. Edit website/ and modify the Name field under Databases to reflect the absolute path of the database.
Set environment variables: . ./setup
Start RabbitMQ: sudo rabbitmq-server
Start Celery: cd $SCRAPER_HOME/scraper; celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info
Run the scraper: cd $SCRAPER_HOME; python crawl <url>
Start the admin interface: cd $SCRAPER_HOME; python runserver
View the admin interface: http://localhost:8000/admin
Stop Celery Tasks: celeryctl purge
Stop RabbitMQ: sudo rabbitmqctl stop
Run test website: cd $SCRAPER_HOME/test; python
Run scraper against test website: cd $SCRAPER_HOME; python crawl http://localhost:8080/page1