builds a docker image with UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns HEAT engine (and plugin extensions)
To run:
git clone stackinabox/docker-uc-pattern-engine.git
Build the image:
docker build --rm -t stackinabox/urbancode-patterns-engine:$ARTIFACT_VERSION --build-arg ARTIFACT_DOWNLOAD_URL=$ARTIFACT_DOWNLOAD_URL .
- Now your ready to run the patterns-engine container. Supply the container with a couple of ENV properties in a file passed in as a volume to /root/envvars.txt at run time. Passing them as "-e" parameters will not work as the "init-heat" oneshot systemd service reads /root/envvars.txt when running.
- PUBLIC_HOSTNAME: a resolveable dns name for this container, you can add an entry to your /etc/hosts file for a quick solution
- ALLOWED_AUTH_URIS: This value is used by the embedded HEAT engine to determine which OpenStack Keystone endpoints will be allowed to operate this engine
docker run -d --privileged=true -v ./envvars.txt:/root/envvars.txt -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --name urbancode_patterns_engine -p 8000:8000 -p 8003:8003 -p 8004:8004 stackinabox/urbancode-patterns-engine:$ARTIFACT_VERSION