An app to keep yourself accountable by simply typing in servings of food to see if it is keto friendly. Users are able to create a profile to check consumption on a chart.
- Note: This app will not work unless you receive the API key from the devs or add your own
- Fork the repository from the Github page.
- Clone a copy to your local machine with $ git clone
- Run 'npm install' to install all the packages
- Run 'npm run start' and in another tab 'npm run dev' to run the project on http://localhost:3000
- Commit your local changes by using '$ git commit -m "nice detailed message here..."'
- Once you've made sure all your changes work correctly and have been committed, push your local changes back to github with '$ git push -u origin master'
- Visit your fork on ( and create a pull request for your changes.
- Make sure your pull request describes exactly what you changed and if it relates to an open issue, reference that issue (just include the issue number in the title like this: #49)