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The cap-token-refresh project is used to refresh CAP credentials used by an OpenShift cluster.


Set up the secrets for CAP requests

In manifests/cap-certs-secret.yaml set the stringData fields with the certs needed for a CAP request.

Set up the cron job

In manifests/cap-cronjob.yaml set the following fields.

  • Set the image to use for the pod. This should be an image located in the local image registry. You can either copy the image from, or build it from Dockerfile.
  • Set the CAP_URL, AGENCY, and MISSION environment variables needed for a CAP request.
  • Set the schedule so that the job refreshes the CAP tokens before they expire.
Create IAM roles for operators

Create an IAM role for each credentials request. Set the role in the appropriate secret manifest.

You can get the credentials requests by running the following command.

$ oc adm release extract $OPENSHIFT_RELEASE_IMAGE --credentials-requests --cloud=aws

For example, the role for the openshift-machine-api-operator credentials request would be set in manifests/cap-machine-api-secret.yaml.

Get initial operator credentials

Set the initial credentials for each credentials request.

Let's use the openshift-machine-api-operator credentials request as an example. Get credentials from CAP for the IAM role that you created for the openshift-machine-api-operator credentials request. Fill out the aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key in both places in manifests/cap-machine-api-secret.yaml.

For testing purposes, if the role that you are using to perform the installation has all of the permissions needed for all of the credentials requests, then you can use the hack/ script to initially use that role for all of the operator's credentials. When the cron job refreshes the tokens, the new credentials for each operator will use the role set in the secret for the operator's credentials request.

  • Pipe the credentials received from CAP to the script.
    $ curl $CAP_URL | hack/ 
  • Optionally, you can set the profile environment variable to have the script update the profile in your ~/.aws/credentials file.
    $ curl $CAP_URL | profile=$CAP_AWS_PROFILE hack/
Use manifests during installation

After running openshift-install create manifests, copy all of the manifests from manifests into $INSTALL_DIR/manifests.


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