The psOutlook module has a few functions that will enable you to analyze outlook.
- Get-OutlookFolderCount: allows you to get counts of folders within a mailbox. You can supply the root folder and if needed a list of specific subfolders you want a count.
- Get-OutlookSenders: Get a count of who is sending you emails
- Get-OutlookUnReadCount: Get a count of unread emails per folder
- PowerShell V3+
- Outlook - have not verified all versions, works with 2016.
Get-OutlookFolderCount -root "" | Out-GridView
# define our list of folder that we want numbers from
$folders = '\\Spam Reporting (OSUWMC)\Inbox\Non Report SPAM\',
'\\Spam Reporting (OSUWMC)\Inbox\Report Phish Reports\By Date\',
'\\Spam Reporting (OSUWMC)\Inbox\Report Phish Reports\eusafe\',
'\\Spam Reporting (OSUWMC)\Inbox\Report Phish Reports\safe\'
Get-OutlookFolderCount -root "Spam Reporting (OSUWMC)" -folders $folders| Out-GridView
- Wes Stahler @stahler
- Finish MD file
- Convert to module
- Add help
- Verify error handling
- Add more functions
- Frequent Senders
- Unread email per folder
- Warning on count