Callbag operator that flattens a higher-order callbag source. Like RxJS "switch" or xstream "flatten". Use it with map
to get behavior equivalent to "switchMap". Works on either pullable or listenable sources.
npm install callbag-flatten
On each mouse click, start a stopwatch ticking every second:
const fromEvent = require('callbag-from-event');
const interval = require('callbag-interval');
const flatten = require('callbag-flatten');
const observe = require('callbag-observe');
const pipe = require('callbag-pipe');
const map = require('callbag-map');
const source = pipe(
fromEvent(document, 'click'),
map(() => interval(1000)),
observe(x => console.log(x))
Loop over two iterables (such as arrays) and combine their values together:
const fromIter = require('callbag-from-iter');
const iterate = require('callbag-iterate');
const flatten = require('callbag-flatten');
const pipe = require('callbag-pipe');
const map = require('callbag-map');
const source = pipe(
map(char => pipe(
fromIter([10, 20, 30]),
map(num => char + num)
iterate(x => console.log(x))
// h10
// h20
// h30
// i10
// i20
// i30