@segment/analytics-react-native > Configuration
- android
- debug
- defaultProjectSettings
- flushAt
- ios
- proxy
- recordScreenViews
- trackAppLifecycleEvents
- trackAttributionData
- using
● android: undefined
| object
Defined in analytics.ts:120
Android specific settings.
● debug: undefined
| false
| true
Defined in analytics.ts:38
● defaultProjectSettings: undefined
| object
Defined in analytics.ts:46
Default project settings to use, if Segment.com cannot be reached. An example configuration can be found here, using your write key: https://cdn-settings.segment.com/v1/projects/YOUR_WRITE_KEY/settings
● flushAt: undefined
| number
Defined in analytics.ts:54
The number of queued events that the analytics client should flush at. Setting this to 1
will not queue any events and will use more battery.
by default.
● ios: undefined
| object
Defined in analytics.ts:102
iOS specific settings.
● proxy: undefined
| object
Defined in analytics.ts:72
Whether the analytics client should send all requests through your own hosted proxy rather than directly to Segment. See: iOS: https://segment.com/docs/connections/sources/catalog/libraries/mobile/ios/#proxy-http-calls android: https://segment.com/docs/connections/sources/catalog/libraries/mobile/android/#proxy-http-calls
Ex. For a desired proxy through http://localhost:64000/segment
the configuration would look like such { scheme: 'http', host: 'localhost', port: 64000, path: '/segment' }
● recordScreenViews: undefined
| false
| true
Defined in analytics.ts:19
Whether the analytics client should automatically make a screen call when a view controller is added to a view hierarchy. Because the iOS underlying implementation uses method swizzling, we recommend initializing the analytics client as early as possible.
Disabled by default.
● trackAppLifecycleEvents: undefined
| false
| true
Defined in analytics.ts:26
Whether the analytics client should automatically track application lifecycle events, such as "Application Installed", "Application Updated" and "Application Opened".
Disabled by default.
● trackAttributionData: undefined
| false
| true
Defined in analytics.ts:32
Whether the analytics client should automatically track attribution data from enabled providers using the mobile service.
Disabled by default.
● using: Integration[]
Defined in analytics.ts:37
Register a set of integrations to be used with this Analytics instance.