- prequisites for runtime
Erlang runtime system (http://erlang.org/ ) >= R15B0x
$ ./rebar get-deps $ ./rebar compile
{ok, Pid} = msgpack_rpc_client:connect(tcp, localhost, 9199, []), {ok, Ret} = msgpack_rpc_client:call(Pid, hello, []), ok = msgpack_rpc_client:close(Pid).
Implement a module with functions exported. see test/msgpack_rpc_test.erl
ok = application:start(ranch), {ok, _} = msgpack_rpc_server:start(testlistener, tcp, msgpack_rpc_test, [{port,9199}]),
Instead SSL is also available:
ok = application:start(crypto), ok = application:start(ssl), ok = application:start(ranch), {ok, _} = msgpack_rpc_server:start(testlistener, ssl, msgpack_rpc_test, [{port,9199}, {certfile, "foo.pem"}, {keyfile, "bar.pem"}]),
Apache 2.0
- session TIMEOUTs for client and server
- error handling -- what if happens when badarg/noproc/bad_clause, and exceptions.
- crosslang test
- UDS, SCTP/zip and more transport ...
- release handling (/release/*.appup)
- full-spec type/spec notation
- longrun test