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Bencher is a command line tool, written in Java, to generate data files and run benchmarks on the Deephaven platform.

The tool consumes JSON files that define benchmark jobs. The benchmark definition file contains an array of JSON objects that reference generation files and steps files.

Generation files are also JSON. The generation files give a list of columns to produce sample data. Column definitions can generate random or sequential integers over a given range, or use an external list of strings as a source. By manipulating the properties on each column definition, it's easy to generate interesting and predictable data sets of any size.

Steps files are JSON, too. As the name implies, they enumerate Python commands to be sent to a Deephaven instance. The steps can be timed or not.

A typical benchmark job will run a generation step to create sample data, then run a steps file to execute Deephaven commands against those data files and time their execution. With this arrangement, a myriad of interesting benchmark definitions can be created just by writing JSON files, and without touching any of the benchmark engine code.

How to run a benchmark

  1. Get a clone of bencher (this repo). Let's say the location of your clone is $BENCHER

  2. Get a clone of DHC. Let's say the location of your clone is $DHC

  3. The benchmarks are under subdirectories of the $BENCHER/jobs directory.

  4. Depending on the number of rows/amount of memory needed in a particular benchmark, you may need to modify $DHC/docker-compose-common.yml and increase the memory available to the docker container; if you need more memory, in the resources subsection of the deploy section of the grpc-api service, change the value after memory: to the appropriate number.

  5. Start DHC. On a separate window/shell run:

    cd $DHC
    docker-compose up
  6. To run one benchmark, say $BENCHER/jobs/select-sort/select-sort-bench-1col-no-nulls-20m.json do:

    cd $BENCHER
    ./gradlew run --args="-n 5 $DHC/data select-sort/select-sort-bench-1col-no-nulls-20m.json"
  7. The command above will run the benchmark 5 times on the same docker instance, which will help smoothing out any startup/JVM warmup costs; the benchmarks given in the command line are run all on the same instance, without restarting DHC. The code attempts its best to do session cleanup between benchmark runs, removing variables and tables from the environment, etc.

  8. You can run multiple benchmarks by adding more file names to the end of the ./gradlew run ... command line.

  9. Results for the benchmark runs are accumulated under $DHC/data/bench-results.csv. One row is added to that file every time a benchmark is run.

  10. To compare to python pandas/arrow, run the pyarrow corresponding benchmark code:

    cd $BENCHER
    python jobs/pyarrow/ -n 5 $DHC/data jobs/select-sort/pyarrow/
  11. Results for the pyarrow benchmarks are accumulated under $DHC/data/pyarrow-bench-results.csv

Benchmark Jobs files

A simple benchmark job file is given here:

  "benchmarks": [
      "title": "Join 1m animals and adjectives",
      "generator_file": "join-1m.json",
      "benchmark_file": "animals-joiner.json",

the "benchmarks" object is required; it's an array of benchmark job definitions.

Each definition includes a title, which names the benchmark and is used to refer to the job in progress messages generated by the tool.

The definition includes a "generator_file" string, which can include a relative or absolute path. The value gives the location of a generator file for this benchmark job. When relative, the generator files are looked up in the same directory where the benchmark job file lives, or its parent; the parent directory makes a handy way to share generator files across sets of jobs stored in separate subdirectories. The code includes a json directory with jobs defined in this way.

Finally, there's a "benchmark_file" string which can also include a relative or absolute path. The value indicates the location of the steps file. Instead of providing "benchmark_file", it is possible to specify "benchmark" with the equivalent content inlined with the job file.

The tool reads the job file and executes each benchmark job in order. It runes the generator file, then runs the benchmark file.

Generation Files

Generation files define a list of columns. One list of columns must establish itself as a "driver". The driver column will be of predictable and finite length and indicates how many rows will be generated in the sample data.

All generation files follow the same format. They have a mandatory map named "columns", which maps a column name to a list of attributes describing that column.

They also include a "format" string, which is "CSV" or "PARQUET" to determine the output file type. The output file matches the name of the generator file, with a suffix according to format, either .parquet or .csv.

Note that output is not generated if the output file already exists and its last modification time is more recent than the last modification time of the generator file; generation can be forced to always happen by setting the java property force.generation to True.

From external data

This generation file called animals.json defines two columns, one of which uses an external file as a driver:

  "format": "CSV",
  "columns" : {
    "animal_id" :
      "generation_type": "id",
      "type": "INT32",
      "increment": "INCREASING",
      "start_id": "1",
      "percent_null": "0"
    "animal_name" :
      "generation_type": "file",
      "column_name": "animal_name",
      "type": "STRING",
      "source_file": "sets/animals.txt"

From the "format" string and the generator name, we can tell that this JSON will cause the generator to produce a CSV file named "animals.csv". If the java property ouput.prefix.path is set, it is used as the directory where the output files will be written, otherwise the current working directory is used.

The "animal_id" column object describes a column that has an INT32 datatype. The value of the column starts at 1 and increase monotonically, and never includes a null value. Since we don't see any limit here, we can assume that this column is not a driver and will simply generate the next integer for any row that the driving column does produce.

The "animal_name" column has the generation_type of "file", which means that it will be reading fro ma file. Sure enough, it produces a STRING type for its output, and the file it will read is at sets/animals.txt. This column is a driver, since the file must end (some day!).

When this generator runs, each line read from the file will be placed in the animal_name column, along with the next integer generated for the animal_id column.

If the animals.txt file contains a list of names of animals on each line, maybe the generated animals.csv file starts with a few lines like this:


Randomized Data

It's possible to generate data that's completely random, though repeatable. Let's consider this generator file called join-10m.json:

  "format": "CSV",
  "columns" : {
    "Values" :
      "generation_type": "full_range",
      "type": "INT32",
      "order": "Increasing",
      "seed": "8675309",
      "range_start": "1",
      "range_stop": "10000000",
      "percent_null": "0"
    "adjective_id" :
      "generation_type": "random",
      "lower_bound": "1",
      "upper_bound": "650",
      "type": "INT32",
      "seed": "8675309",
      "percent_null": "5"
    "animal_id" :
      "generation_type": "random",
      "lower_bound": "1",
      "upper_bound": "250",
      "type": "INT32",
      "seed": "1239015897",
      "percent_null": "5"

The format string indicate we'll create a CSV file, this time named "join-10m.csv".

The values column has a gernation_type of full_range, which means the column generates a complete, gapless range of integers. Here, the range_start is 1 and the range_stop value is 10000000, so this column will be a driver column that produces ten million rows.

The values column has a percent_null of 0, which means that no null values will be generated. The supplied percentage is a floating-point value of percent (that is, 0.0 to 100.0). Randomly, a generated value will be considered to be nullify by rolling for that percentage -- so the percentage is a goal and not a guarantee. If a null value is discarded, it still counts against the cardinality of the generation. A value of 50.0 for percent_null in this file would still generate ten million rows, but about 50 percent of them would have a null value for the values column.

To promote repeatability, each column has a seed value. The seed will be used to seed a random number generator local to the column. The seed also seeds the generator for the nullness rolls. If two runs are done with the same seed, they will generate the same sequences and nullness patterns. Note that changes to the file might influence the patterns; keeping the same seed and changing percent_null might generate a different ordering as well as a different nullness pattern.

The order for the values column is increasing, so we know we'll get the rows numbered 1 though 10,000,000 in the output, in order.

As the values column drives the generation, the adjective_id and animal_id column definitions are used to generate values for two more columns. Because the generation_type in these columns is random, each one will produce a random number in a given range: between 1 and 650 inclusive for adjective_id, and between 1 and 250 inclusive for animal_id.

The adjective_id and animal_id also have a percent_null value of 5, so there's a 5% chance any value in each of the columns is null.

When the generator executes against this file, the first few rows look like this:


Uniform distribution is the default if otherwise not specified via the distribution key. In general, we support:

  • exponential, with parameter lambda for DOUBLE typed columns.
  • normal, with parameters mean and stddev for DOUBLE typed columns.
  • poisson_wait with parameters start_nanos (absolute point in time where sequence of timestamps will start) and mean_wait_nanos (average time between events) for TIMESTAMP_NANOS typed columns. A column generated with this distribution will be naturally sorted in increasing point in time order.
  • random_pick with parameters options (an array or file indicating possible values) and weights, a parallel array indicating probabilities.
  • random_walk with parameters initial (the starting value) and step (either +step or -step will be added to the previous value for each new event). This distribution is supported for column types of INT32, INT64 and DOUBLE. Note that the generated value can go negative even if initial is positive, so care must be taken if this is used for, eg, stock prices.
  • uniform, with parameters lower_bound and upper_bound for column types INT32, INT64 and DOUBLE

The Selection Generation Type

The above examples use the id, file, and full_range generation types. Another useful generation_type is shuffled. Here is a generation file that shuffles:

    "format": "CSV",
    "columns" : {
        "Values" :
            "generation_type": "full_range",
            "type": "INT32",
            "order": "Shuffled",
            "seed": "8675309",
            "range_start": "1",
            "range_stop": "50",
            "percent_null": "0"
        "States" :
            "generation_type": "selection",
            "type": "STRING",
            "distribution": "Normal",
            "seed": "8675309",
            "source_file": "state_list.txt"

Here, we see a full_range column named values. This column will generate values from 1 to 50, inclusive, with no chance of nullness. However, it has an order of shuffled, so those values will appear in a random order.

The States column takes its input from the state_list.txt source file. The file has one value on each line. The generator uses a generation_type of selection, which is not a driver. Instead, the column definition selects one of the set of values from the lines in the file. It uses the random number seed given, and uses a normal distribution over the file's entries. Thus, entries toward the middle of the file are more likely to be chosen compared to values near the beginning or the end. This arrangement is handy for files that are ordered.

Another selection type is indicated, which is randomly uniform over the set of data in the file.

The selection column can also be indicated. In this case, the file must have two values on each line, separated by a comma. The first value is the text that the column should generate. The second value is an integer. The integers on all lines are summed to form a total. The chances of a particular value from the set being generated are given by the indicated value on that line divided by the total value.

This example file:

First Quarter,25
Second Quarter,25
all Half,50

has a total of 100 for the generation values. The chances of First Quarter or Second Quarter being chosen are each 25/100, and of all Half being chosen is 50/100.

Benchmark Steps Files

An example benchmark steps file is given here:

  "statements" : [
      "title" : "imports",
      "text" : "from deephaven import read_csv",
      "timed" : 0

      "title" : "load animals",
      "text" : "animals = read_csv('/data/animals.csv')",
      "timed" : 1

      "title" : "load adjectives",
      "text" : "adjectives = read_csv('/data/adjectives.csv')",
      "timed" : 1

      "title" : "load relation table",
      "text" : "relation = read_csv('/data/join.csv')",
      "timed" : 1

      "title" : "perform join",
      "text" : "result = relation.join(adjectives, 'adjective_id').join(animals, 'animal_id').view('Values', 'adjective_name', 'animal_name')",
      "timed" : 1


The file contains a mandatory "statements" array. The array contains an ordered list of steps to execute in the benchmark. Each step is simply a command to send to Deephaven, in sequence.

The statement might be timed; if so, the "timed" value is 1. Otherwise, the timed value is "0". Un-timed steps are intended to allow setup and tear-down for each job such that the duration of the steps does not clutter the output of the benchmark job in total.

When a step runs, its title and the execution duration of the step are output. The title string simply identifies the step, while the text indicates the code in the step to be sent to Deephaven.

Appropriate escaping must be done for the JSON format. The above script executes an import command without timing it:

from deephaven.TableTools import readCsv

then executes four more statements, each of which is timed:

animals = read_csv("/data/animals.csv")
adjectives = read_csv("/data/adjectives.csv")
relation = read_csv("/data/join.csv")
result = relation.join(adjectives, "adjective_id").join(animals, "animal_id").view("Values", "adjective_name", "animal_name")

The script imports three different CSV files, showing the timing for each along the way. Finally, it joins the three tables together to produce a fourth, again showing the timing of the operation.

There are three possible ways to provide the code for a statement:

  • In a "text" element that corresponds to a single string for a single line of code to execute.
  • In a "text" element that corresponds to an array of strins, each with a line of code to execute.
  • In a "file" element that indicates a python source filename with code to be executed line by line. If the file name is relative, it is looked up in the same directory or the parent directory relative to the file where it is specified.

About Data Types

In CSV files, all data generated is just a string. Nulls are represented by an empty field. For example, 1,,3 has three fields: a 1, a null, and a 3. Timestamps are generated as ISO-8601 strings.

Parquet files use the indicated data type in the generator file as a definition for the message data. Thus, the types supported here are limited to the types supported by Parquet. Care must be taken to get correct typing for the desired benchmark job.


Software is often like a late-spring ski report: bare spots and limitations do exist.

  • Data is loaded into memory from files, and large files will take more memory.
  • Sequences which are shuffled will produce an ordered list in memory, then shuffle that list. For large lists, this uses a lot of memory and takes some time. The time and space complexities are linear, but are noticable after 100 million integers or so.

How to run several iterations for more than one benchmark job file

If the DHC clone is under $DHC

For the DHC benchmark run:

./gradlew run --args="-n 5 $DHC $(echo $(cat suites/all-select-no-null.txt))"

For the pyarrow comparison/reference benchmarks run:

$ cd jobs; python3 pyarrow/ -n 5 $DHC/data $(cat ../suites/pyarrow-all-select-no-null.txt)

The files suites/all-select-no-null.txt and suites/pyarrow-all-select-no-null.txt contain benchmark names one per line.

Missing Features

Several enhancements are foreseeable:

  • Restart (or reset) the Deephaven instance between runs (other than manually)
  • Support groovy
  • Check results for correctness
  • Configure Parquet partitioning


Bencher utility






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  • Java 72.4%
  • Python 27.6%