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A generic C++ API for SMT solving. It provides abstract classes which can be implemented by different SMT solvers.


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A generic C++ API for SMT solving. It provides abstract classes which can be implemented by different SMT solvers.

Quick Start

$ git clone
$ cd smt-switch 
$ ./contrib/setup-<solver>.sh
$ ./ --<solver>
$ cd build 
$ make 
$ make test

More details are in the Solvers section of this README.

For an example of how to link and use smt-switch, please see the examples directory.

Architecture Overview

There are three abstract classes:

  • AbsSmtSolver
  • AbsSort
  • AbsTerm

Each of them has a using statement that names a smart pointer of that type, e.g. using Term = shared_ptr<AbsTerm>;. The key thing to remember when using this library is that all solver-specific objects are pointers to the abstract base class. SmtSolver, Sort, and Term are all smart pointers. Note: there are many convenience functions which operate on these pointers, so they may not look like pointers. Additionally, the library also includes using statements for commonly used data structures, for example, TermVec is a vector of shared pointers to AbsTerms.

The function names are based on SMT-LIB. The general rule is that functions/methods in this library can be obtained syntactically from SMT-LIB commands by replacing dashes with underscores. There are a few exceptions, for example assert is assert_formula in this library to avoid clashing with the assert macro. Operator names are also based on SMT-LIB operators, and can be obtained syntactically from an SMT-LIB operator by capitalizing the first letter and any letter after an underscore. The only exception is bv which is always capitalized to BV and does not count towards the capitalization of the first letter. Some examples include:

  • And
  • BVAnd
  • Zero_Extend
  • BVAshr

Please see this extended abstract for more documentation or the tests directory for some example usage.

Creating a Smt-Switch Solver

To create a Smt-Switch solver through the API, first include the relevant factory header and then use the static create method. It takes a single boolean parameter which configures term logging. If passed false, the created SmtSolver relies on the underlying solver for term traversal and querying a term for the Sort or Op. If passed true, it instantiates a LoggingSolver wrapper which keeps track of the Op, Sort and children of terms as they are created. A LoggingSolver wraps all the terms and sorts created through the API. Thus, a LoggingSolver always returns a LoggingTerm. However, this is invisible to the user and all the objects can be used in the expected way. The logging feature is useful for solvers that alias sorts (for example don't distinguish between booleans and bitvectors of size one) or perform on-the-fly rewriting. The LoggingSolver wrapper ensures that the built term has the expected Op, Sort and children. In other words, the created term is exactly what was built through the API -- it cannot be rewritten or alias the sort. This drastically simplifies transferring between solvers and can be more intuitive than on-the-fly rewriting. Note: the rewriting still happens in the underlying solver, but this is hidden at the Smt-Switch level. Some solvers, such as Yices2, rely on the LoggingSolver for term traversal. E.g. creating a Yices2 SmtSolver without term logging would not allow term traversal.

Here is an example that creates a solver interface to cvc5:

#include "smt-switch/cvc5_factory.h"

int main()
  // create a Cvc5Solver without logging
  smt::SmtSolver s = smt::Cvc5SolverFactory::create(false);
  return 0;


Smt-Switch depends on the following libraries. Dependencies needed only for certain backends and/or optional features are marked ["optional" : reason].

  • CMake >= 3.1
  • C compiler
  • C++ compiler supporting C++11
  • git
  • curl [optional : setup scripts in contrib]
  • Solver libraries
    • Bitwuzla (has setup script in contrib)
    • cvc5 (has setup script in contrib)
    • MathSAT (must be obtained independently; user responsible for meeting license conditions)
    • Yices2 (must be obtained independently; user responsible for meeting license conditions)
  • pthread [optional: Bitwuzla]
  • gmp [optional: cvc5, MathSAT, Yices2]
  • autoconf [optional: Yices2 setup script]
  • Java [optional: cvc5 ANTLR]
  • Flex >= 2.6.4 [optional: SMT-LIB parser]
  • Bison >= 3.7 [optional: SMT-LIB parser]
  • Python [optional: Python bindings]
  • Cython >= 0.29 [optional: Python bindings]
  • scikit-build [optional: Python bindings]

Operating Systems

Our cmake build system is currently only tested on Ubuntu Bionic and Mac OSX with XCode 12 but should work for other sufficiently modern (e.g. has C++11 support and CMake >= 3.1) Unix-based operating systems. Please file a GitHub issue if you have any problems!


To setup and install different solvers, first run the ./contrib/setup-<solver>.sh script which builds position-independent static libraries in the <solver> directory. Then you can configure your cmake build with the script. Enable a solver with ./ --<solver>. By default only is built without any solvers.

Some of the backend solvers have non-BSD compatible licenses. There are no provided setup scripts for these solvers. However, there are instructions for setting up these solvers in ./contrib. Should you choose to link against these solver libraries, you assume all responsibility for meeting the license requirements of those libraries.

Once you've configured the build system, simply enter the build directory (./build by default) and run make. Each solver you add produces a libsmt-switch-<solver>.so shared object file. Running make install installs these libraries and the public header files into the configured prefix (/usr/local by default). Note that the header files are put in a directory, e.g. /usr/local/include/smt-switch.

Currently Supported Solvers

BSD compatible

  • Bitwuzla
  • Bitwuzla
  • cvc5
  • Z3

Non-BSD compatible

  • MathSAT
  • Yices2

Custom Solver Location

If you'd like to try your own version of a solver, you can use the script to point to your custom location with --<solver>-home. You will need to build static libraries (.a) and have them be accessible in the standard location for that solver. For example, you would point to a custom location of cvc5 like so: ./ --prefix=<your desired install location> --cvc5-home ./custom-cvc5

where ./custom-cvc5/build/src/libcvc5.a and ./custom-cvc5/build/src/parser/libcvc5parser.a already exist. build is the default build directory for cvc5, and thus that's where cmake is configured to look.

Building Tests

You can run all tests for the currently built solvers with make test from the build directory. To run a single test, run the binary ./tests/<test name>. After you have a full installation, you can build the tests yourself by updating the includes to include the smt-switch directory. For example: #include "cvc5_factory.h" -> #include "smt-switch/cvc5_factory.h".


The tests currently use C-style assertions which are compiled out in Release mode (the default). To build tests with assertions, please add the --debug flag when using ./

Python bindings

It is highly recommended to use a Python virtual environment or Conda environment when building Python bindings. Note: only Python3 is supported.

First, install the required Python modules:

python3 -m pip install scikit-build Cython pytest

If you're building the python bindings in a setting where you don't care too much about runtime speed (e.g. for CI), you can add the option --install-option="--no-cython-compile" to the end of the Cython installation command to install it faster.

Then, to compile python bindings, use the --python flag of After configuring with python bindings, run make in the build directory as usual. The Python extension module will be build/python/smt_switch/smt_switch*.so. To install this in your python environment, you can run python3 -m pip install -e ./python from the build directory.

After installing the bindings, you can test them from the top-level of the repository with:

pytest ./tests/

PySMT front end

Optionally, smt-switch can be used with a pySMT front-end . To install the pySMT front-end install smt-switch with the pysmt extra (python3 -m install -e ./python[pysmt]). Note, some shells, notable zsh, require brackets be escaped or the path to be quoted, i.e., ./python\[pysmt\] or "./python[pysmt]".

A pySMT solver for each switch back-end can be instantiated directly or using the helper function Solver:

from smt_switch import pysmt_frontend

# direct instantiation must pass an enviroment and a logic
solver = pysmt_frontend.SwitchCvc5(ENV, LOGIC)

# with the helper function will try to use a general logic
solver = pysmt_frontend.Solver("cvc5")

# with the helper function will use the specified logic
solver = pysmt_frontend.Solver("cvc5", LOGIC)

# Note a solver can be used as a context manager:
with pysmt_frontend.Solver("cvc5") as solver: ...

Please refer to the pySMT docs for further information.

Testing python bindings

Python bindings are tested with pytest. This can be installed using pip or automatically by installing the python bindings with the test extra (python3 -m install -e ./python[test]). To run all tests, simply run pytest ./tests from the top-level directory. Note, running pytest alone might unnecessarily run tests in dependencies located in subdirectories. To run a particular test, use the -k test_name[parameter1-...-parameter_n] format, e.g. pytest -k test_bvadd[create_btor_solver]. The tests for the pySMT front-end will only be run if it is installed. Note, multiple extras may be installed by passing them as a comma separated list:python3 -m install -e ./python[test,pysmt].

Current Limitations and Gotchas

While we try to guarantee that all solver backends are fully compliant with the abstract interface, and exhibit the exact same behavior given the same API calls, we are not able to do this in every case (yet). Below are some known, current limitations along with recommended usage.

  • Undefined behavior. Sharing terms between different solver instances will result in undefined behavior. This is because we use a static cast to recover the backend solver implementation from an abstract object. To move terms between solver instances, you can use a TermTranslator which will rebuild the term in another solver. A given TermTranslator object can only translate terms from one solver to one new one. If some symbols have already been created in the new solver, you can populate the TermTranslator's cache so that it knows which symbols correspond to each other
  • Bitwuzla's substitute implementation does not work for formulas containing uninterpreted functions. To get around this, you can use a LoggingSolver. See below.
  • Bitwuzla does not support reset_assertions yet. You can however simulate this by setting the option "base-context-1" to "true". Under the hood, this will do all solving starting at context 1 instead of 0. This will allow you to call reset_assertions just like for any other solver.
  • The Z3 backend has not implemented term iteration (getting children) yet, but that should be added soon.
  • Datatypes are currently only supported in cvc5

Recommended usage

Logging solvers

A LoggingSolver is a wrapper around another SmtSolver that keeps track of Term DAGs at the smt-switch level. This guarantees that if you create a term and query it for its sort, op, and children, it will give you back the exact same objects you built it with. Without the LoggingSolver wrapper, this is not guaranteed for all solvers. This is because some solvers perform on-the-fly rewriting and/or alias sorts (e.g. treat BOOL and BV of size one equivalently). Below, we give some recommendations for when to use a LoggingSolver for different backends. To use a LoggingSolver, pass true to the create function when instantiating a solver.

  • Bitwuzla
    • Use a LoggingSolver when you want to avoid issues with sort aliasing between booleans and bit-vectors of size one and/or if you'd like to ensure that a term's children are exactly what were used to create it. Bitwuzla performs very smart on-the-fly rewriting. Additionally, use a LoggingSolver if you will need to use the substitute method on formulas that contain uninterpreted functions.
  • cvc5
    • cvc5 does not alias sorts or perform on-the-fly rewriting. Thus, there should never be any reason to use a LoggingSolver.
  • MathSAT
    • Use a LoggingSolver only if you want to guarantee that a term's Op and children are exactly what you used to create it. Without a LoggingSolver, MathSAT will perform very light rewriting.
  • Yices2
    • Use a LoggingSolver if you need term iteration
    • Yices2 has a different term representation under the hood which cannot easily be converted back to SMT-LIB. Thus, term traversal is currently only supported through a LoggingSolver.


We welcome external contributions, please see for more details. If you are interested in becoming a long-term contributor to smt-switch, please contact one of the primary authors in AUTHORS


A generic C++ API for SMT solving. It provides abstract classes which can be implemented by different SMT solvers.







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