Implementation of the Notification API in C# for Microsoft Blazor.
Blazor Extensions are a set of packages with the goal of adding useful things to Blazor.
Install-Package Blazor.Extensions.Notifications
There is a sample application in /tests/ folder For some other references of what the API does see the example demo
Scoped by default.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
@using Blazor.Extensions
@inject INotificationService NotificationService
[Inject] private INotificationService _notificationService { get; set; }
NotificationOptions options = new NotificationOptions
Body = body,
Icon = icon,
await NotificationService.CreateAsync(title, options);
bool IsSupportedByBrowser = NotificationService.IsSupportedByBrowserAsync();
PermissionType permission = await NotificationService.RequestPermissionAsync();
Please feel free to use the component, open issues, fix bugs or provide feedback.
This project is created and maintained by:
The following people are the maintainers of the Blazor Extensions projects: