Eleven Forty-Five (11:45,午時三刻) is a Garmin Connect IQ watchface , which displays current time and date along with traditional Chinese timekeeping notation and Chinese Solar Term. Note that the solar term will be inverted in southern hemisphere should user choose to show southern hemisphere solar term.
"午時三刻"是個Garmin Connect IQ 錶面(watchface),顯示現在時間,並用古代計時法(時,刻)顯示現在時辰。日期的部分除了顯示英文的現在日期,也一併計算目前最靠近的二十四節氣名稱。(使用者可以設定是否顯示南半球二十四節氣,設定成南半球會反轉節氣,)
For CIQ 1.x devices, use this version on Garmin Connect IQ Store
The watchface consists of just time and date (in modern clock and date in English) along with Chinese time and solar term.
This is a Garmin Watchface app. It simply shows you current time both in modern and in traditional Chinese time notation. Additionally, it displays Chinese solar term along with English date.
Tested on Fenix 6 Pro and vivoactive 4s.