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2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and COVID-19 Unpivoted Data

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This data set collates a growing number of critical indicators for assessment, monitoring and forecasting of the global COVID-19 situation. The data set is maintained by Starschema, an international data services consultancy.

As of On March 10, 2023, the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center ceased its collecting and reporting of global COVID-19 data. Please use WHO, CDC or ECDC data sources for updated case counts.

Real-time data, easy to work with

A range of data sets have been published that are useful for monitoring and understanding the spread of COVID-19. Our efforts are intended to collate, curate and unify the most valuable data sources for enterprises, individuals and public health experts to assess the situation and make data-driven decisions. This single source easily blends with other data sources so you can analyze the movement of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic over time, in any context.

Data sets

Currently, the following data sets are included:

Name Source Table name
US COVID-19 testing and mortality The COVID Tracking Project CT_US_COVID_TESTS
Global demographic data The World Bank DATABANK_DEMOGRAPHICS
Global mobility data Google GOOG_GLOBAL_MOBILITY_REPORT
ACAPS public health restriction data ACAPS via HDX HDX_ACAPS
Global data on healthcare providers OpenStreetMap, via HS_BULK_DATA
Travel restrictions by airline World Food Programme via HDX HUM_RESTRICTIONS_AIRLINE
Travel restrictions by country World Food Programme via HDX HUM_RESTRICTIONS_COUNTRY
Forecasts from IHME IHME IHME_COVID_19
Global case counts JHU CSSE JHU_COVID_19
US healthcare capacity by state, 2018 The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation KFF_HCP_CAPACITY
ICU beds by county, US The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation KFF_US_ICU_BEDS
US policy actions by state The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation KFF_US_POLICY_ACTIONS
US actions to mitigate spread, by state The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation KFF_US_STATE_MITIGATIONS
Table metadata METADATA
Detailed data on New York City NYC DOHMH NYC_HEALTH_TESTS
US case and mortality counts, by county The New York Times NYT_US_COVID19
Italy case statistics, summary Protezione Civile PCM_DPS_COVID19
Italy case statistics, detailed Protezione Civile PCM_DPS_COVID19_DETAILS
Detailed case counts and mortality by districts (Kreise), Germany Robert Koch Institut RKI_GER_COVID19_DASHBOARD
Detailed case counts by province, sex and age band, Belgium Sciensano SCS_BE_DETAILED_PROVINCE_CASE_COUNTS
Detailed hospitalisations by type of hospital care, Belgium Sciensano SCS_BE_DETAILED_HOSPITALISATIONS
Detailed mortality by region, sex and age band, Belgium Sciensano SCS_BE_DETAILED_MORTALITY
Number of tests performed by day, Belgium Sciensano SCS_BE_DETAILED_TESTS
WHO situation reports World Health Organization WHO_SITUATION_REPORTS

Technical details


By convention, we unify geographies to ISO-3166-1 and ISO-3166-2 alpha-2 identifiers. We use pycountry's country definitions and mappings.


Raw data is available through a range of availabilities.

Snowflake Data Exchange

The COVID-19 data set is available on Snowflake Data Exchange. This data set is continuously refreshed.

You can use the METADATA table for metadata about each table, on a column level. Where the column is not specified, information pertains to the entire table.

S3 raw CSVs

Raw CSV files are available on AWS S3:

Name Source Table name
US COVID-19 testing and mortality The COVID Tracking Project s3://starschema.covid/CT_US_COVID_TESTS.csv
Global demographic data The World Bank s3://starschema.covid/DATABANK_DEMOGRAPHICS.csv
Global mobility data Google s3://starschema.covid/GOOG_GLOBAL_MOBILITY_REPORT.csv
ACAPS public health restriction data ACAPS via HDX s3://starschema.covid/HDX_ACAPS.csv
Global data on healthcare providers OpenStreetMap, via s3://starschema.covid/HS_BULK_DATA.csv
Travel restrictions by airline World Food Programme via HDX s3://starschema.covid/HUM_RESTRICTIONS_AIRLINE.csv
Travel restrictions by country World Food Programme via HDX s3://starschema.covid/HUM_RESTRICTIONS_COUNTRY.csv
Forecasts from IHME IHME s3://starschema.covid/IHME_COVID_19.csv
Global case counts JHU CSSE s3://starschema.covid/JHU_COVID-19.csv
US healthcare capacity by state, 2018 The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation s3://starschema.covid/KFF_HCP_CAPACITY.csv
ICU beds by county, US The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation s3://starschema.covid/KFF_US_ICU_BEDS.csv
US policy actions by state The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation s3://starschema.covid/KFF_US_POLICY_ACTIONS.csv
US actions to mitigate spread, by state The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation s3://starschema.covid/KFF_US_STATE_MITIGATIONS.csv
Table metadata s3://starschema.covid/METADATA.csv
Detailed data on New York City NYC DOHMH s3://starschema.covid/NYC_HEALTH_TESTS.csv
US case and mortality counts, by county The New York Times s3://starschema.covid/NYT_US_COVID19.csv
Italy case statistics, summary Protezione Civile s3://starschema.covid/PCM_DPS_COVID19.csv
Italy case statistics, detailed Protezione Civile s3://starschema.covid/PCM_DPS_COVID19_DETAILS.csv
Detailed case counts and mortality by districts (Kreise), Germany Robert Koch Institut s3://starschema.covid/RKI_GER_COVID19_DASHBOARD.csv
Detailed case counts by province, sex and age band, Belgium Sciensano s3://starschema.covid/SCS_BE_DETAILED_PROVINCE_CASE_COUNTS.csv
Detailed hospitalisations by type of hospital care, Belgium Sciensano s3://starschema.covid/SCS_BE_DETAILED_HOSPITALISATIONS.csv
Detailed mortality by region, sex and age band, Belgium Sciensano s3://starschema.covid/SCS_BE_DETAILED_MORTALITY.csv
Number of tests performed by day, Belgium Sciensano s3://starschema.covid/SCS_BE_DETAILED_TESTS.csv
WHO situation reports World Health Organization s3://starschema.covid/WHO_SITUATION_REPORTS.csv

Tableau Web Data Connector

There is a Tableau Web Data Connector available for your use in Tableau to integrate the COVID-19 data set into your dashboards and analytical applications. Currently, this supports the JHU CSSE data set and the Italian case counts released by the Dipartimento delle Protezione Civile. The reach of the WDC is currently being expanded, please check back for details.


All applied transformation sets are documented in the Jupyter notebooks in the notebooks/ folder.


The original data flow was designed by Allan Walker for Mapbox in Alteryx.

Use and disclaimer

Use of this data source is subject to your implied acceptance of the following terms.

Data and transformations are provided 'as is', without any warranty or representation, express or implied, of correctness, usefulness or fitness to purpose. Starschema Inc. and its contributors disclaim all representations and warranties of any kind with respect to the data or code in this repository to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law.

The following data sets are subject to restrictions of use:

  • JHU data sets: academic/research use only
  • KFF data sets: non-commercial use only
  • NYT data sets: non-commercial use only

The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)/COVID-19 outbreak is a rapidly evolving situation. Data may be out of date or incorrect due to reporting constraints. Before making healthcare or other personal decisions, please consult a physician licensed to practice in your jurisdiction and/or the website of the public health authorities in your jurisdiction, such as the CDC, Public Health England or Public Health Canada. Nothing in this repository is to be construed as medical advice.


To cite this work:

Foldi, T. and Csefalvay, K. 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and COVID-19 Unpivoted Data. Available on: