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Docker Compose Near Dockerd

Everybody did it, so I am doing it too. This is based in dind wrapdocker script and alpine, also it has ssh, but it has no nodejs.

This is not "docker in a docker", but "docker near a docker" style, it requires


to be volume mounted in the container, with the right access rights.

Something can not work as you expect, and it is not strictly "portable", now.


Main reason for creating this image is to use it into jenkins pipeline to execute docker-compose for testing images used inside other service.

Typically a microservice communicate with other services over a meshed network.

There are 2 kind of testing to be executed: unit tests, that are ran against the code itself, and integration testing.

For integration testing a strategy can be to create mocked microservices that reply mocked message to the service under proof.

docker-compose is needed to start service and mocking services, and run inside the service some calls, or the reverse, but it does not change the requirement to have docker-compose running.

We used to run jenkins in a docker, started by a user in the group of dockerd, passing /var/run/docker.sock as volume. But then the pipeline need an image to which pass the same /var/run/docker.sock as volume (the map source always refer to host filesystem). This is that image, docker compose near a dockerd: dconedo.

use in jenkins pipeline

def docker_grp
node {
    docker_grp = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "stat -c '%g' /var/run/docker.sock").trim()

pipeline {
    agent {
        docker {
            image 'danielecr/dconedo:3.9'
            args '--group-add ' + docker_grp +' -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /home/user/.ssh:/home/dcind/.ssh'

then as usual.

added --group-add, thanks to jenkinsci/docker#263

Does it works?

Yes, it does.

group assigned to the dcind user

dcind is the default user. gid(group):

bash-4.4$ id
uid=1000(dcind) gid=1000(dcind) groups=140(docker1),999(ping),1000(dcind)

in debian 999 is docker gid, in ubuntu it is 140, in alpine is 101.

For this image it only care the group of the hosting dockerd


Running the tested services in their own network, separated from the network where jenkins and/or other services is. This is the minimal recommendation. This is intended to run in a testing/building machine, only for closed company, not for general public. Or everything will break.

Other similar images (some)

with nodejs:

and dind:

wrapdocker script cames from dind.


Docker Container Near Dockerd (host)







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