5-minutes-setup React, Next.js, GraphQl and CSS-In-JS framework for any types of web apps.
SignUp or SignIn with your Auth0, or use test user: demo@demo.com / Dem0Dem0
- Ready for production after 5 minutes setup
- Large library of ready components cataloged by StoryBook
- Server-Side Rendering by Next.js
- Beautiful design by EpicPxls
- Stable and predicable data flow with redux, redux-thunk, immer and few more
- Built-in authentication by Auth0
- Built-in BaaS integration with GraphCMS
- Easy change data source to another
- CSS-in-JS by Emotion
- Super-fast UI thanks to optimistic rendering (renders before the server returns)
- All code write by eslint airbnb style guide
- And awesome notifications by react-toastify
epic-admin-dashboard is fast to install:
git clone https://github.com/startups-services/epic-admin-dashboard.git
cd epic-admin-dashboard/
npm i
npm run fetcherinstall
Create a Regular Web Application in the Auth0 Dashboard.
If you're using an existing application you'll want to verify that the following settings are configured as follows:
- Json Web Token Signature Algorithm:
- OIDC Conformant:
Go ahead and configure the URLs for your application:
- Allowed Callback URLs: http://localhost:3000/api/callback
- Allowed Logout URLs: http://localhost:3000/
Take yours Client ID, Client Secret and Domain and add them to ./auth0config
Create a new project from scratch in GraphCMS
Go to settings page and create one Permanent Access Token(PAT) for Scope "OPEN"
Copy yours ENDPOINT and PAT from this page to /packages/graphcmsfetcher/.env.example Then rename this file to .env
if you want run script to add to default data to the base
npm run resetbasetodefaults
we run little node.js app to hide your base credentials from client:
npm run fetcher
then run app:
npm run dev
and if you want to see catalog of all components:
npm run storybook
That's all!
Yes. If you use GraphQl you may add your own endpoint and send queries to it. If you use REST API, all queries making separate in redux actions and you may easily change graphQL queries execution to REST API calls
React-admin is designed as a library of loosely coupled React components built on top of material-ui, in addition to controller functions implemented the Redux way. It is very easy to replace one part of react-admin with your own, e.g. to use a custom datagrid, GraphQL instead of REST, or bootstrap instead of Material Design.