The project contains a boilerplate for ES6 projects.
The main idea is to compile ES6 code using babel, browserify and gulp. The goal is to have a build folder that has simplified structure with one JS, CSS and index.html file.
# Clone the repo...
git clone
cd es6-gulp-boilerplate
# Project uses Yarn as package manager, so you have to install it globally
npm install -g yarn
# Then, you should run the following command in your terminal
To make a build version run:
It runs gulp and enables watching changes in source code by means of
Gulp will rebuild your project each time when change has been done. All the changes should be done in src folder.
All required modules should be stored as a sub-folders, for example src/js/new-panel/ and each module should be exported to be used in another modules or index.js file
All CSS files should be located in: src/css/ folder.
HTML file is located in src/index.html folder. You do not have to add references on your own JavaScript or CSS files into index.html (they are already added and refer to dist directory), it should have only your HTML markup and links on some external resources (such as fonts, libraries, external css files etc.)