runs state machines as your secure, scalable, serverless backend.
Check out the full State Backed docs for more detailed information and to launch your own state machine backend in just a few minutes.
You can use these React hooks to easily connect your UI to any of your real-time, persistent machine intances running in the State Backed cloud.
npm install --save @statebacked/react @statebacked/client
import { StateBackedClient } from "@statebacked/client";
import { useStateBackedMachine } from "@statebacked/react";
import { useActor } from "@xstate/react";
const client = new StateBackedClient({
anonymous: {
orgId: "org-YOUR_ORG_ID",
function MyReactComponent() {
const { actor } = useStateBackedMachine(
// name of a machine you created via the smply CLI or
machineName: "your-machine-name",
// name of a machine instance to connect to or create
// you can create as many instances of each machine as you'd like
instanceName: "your-instance",
// function to provide the initial context if we have to create the machine instance
getInitialContext() {
return {
any: "initialContextForYourMachine"
const [state, send] = useActor(actor);
// now you can interact with your persistent, real-time, multi-player
// State Backed machine instance just like it was a local state machine
// send({ type: "any-event", extra: "data" })
// render your UI based on the current machine state