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Md Sojon Islam edited this page Aug 18, 2021 · 1 revision

Default Parameters

You will see a params.toml file in the exampleSite/config/_default folder. Which gives you the ability to change important information of your site.

Customize Default Parameters.
# favicon
favicon = "images/favicon.png"
# logo
logo = "images/logo.png"
# use `x` with logo_width, example: "100x".
# Note: logo_width is not work with .svg file
logo_width = "150x"
# logo text will only show when logo is missing.
logo_text = "Boilerplate"
# navbar fixed to top
navbar_fixed = false
# OpenGraph / Twitter Card metadata
description = "This is meta description"
author = "Themefisher"
image = "images/logo.png" # this image will be used as fallback if a page has no image of its own
# contact info
address = "9567 Turner Trace Apt. BC C3G8A4"
mobile = "+211234565523"
email = ""
# contact form action
contact_form_action = "#" # contact form works with
# search
search = true
Basic Information.
# featured post title
featured_post_title = "Featured Post"
recent_post_title = "Recent Post"
mainSections = ["blog"]
# about widget content
about_widget_content = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse tfctetur adipiscing elit. ..."
# footer content
footer_content = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amt, conse adip iscing. donec iaculis tempasus laoreet. Libero ullam rgscper."
# copyright
copyright = "Designed By [Themefisher]( & Developed By [Gethugothemes]("
Preloader and Banner Settings
# Preloader
enable = false
preloader = "" # use jpg, png, svg or gif format.

# Banner
enable = true
title_large = "Welcome **!**"
title_small = "to Jhon Bravo Blog"
image = "images/banner.png"
background_image = "/images/banner-bg-shape.svg"
content = "Are Developer and recently started your own business Already made website to ensure presence wants to develop."
button_label = "Know About Me"
button_link = "about/"
Advertise Settings
image = "images/promotion.png"
link = ""
Cookies Settings
enable = false
expire_days = 2
content = "This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use."
button = "I Accept"
Sidebar Widgets
sidebar = ["about", "categories", "recent-post", "newsletter"]
# available widget : about,categories,newsletter,recent-post
enable = false
# mailchimp subsciption
mailchimp_form_action = "" # replace this url with yours
mailchimp_form_name = "b_463ee871f45d2d93748e77cad_a0a2c6d074" # replace this code with yours
Social Links
title = "facebook"
icon = "fab fa-facebook" # themify icon :
link = "#"

title = "twitter"
icon = "fab fa-twitter" # themify icon :
link = "#"

title = "instagram"
icon = "fab fa-instagram" # fontawesome icon pack :
link = "#"