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Feb 2020

Closed Apr 2, 2020 100% complete

Focus: multi-client testnet MVP


Eth 2

  • [] Naive attestation
  • [] Block sync
  • [] Peer pool
  • [] Eth1 integration
  • [] fork choice
  • [] v0.10.x / BLS


  • [] Block, attestation and validator pools
  • [] Finalization tests in CI
  • [] Monitoring
    • Improve t…

Focus: multi-client testnet MVP


Eth 2

  • [] Naive attestation
  • [] Block sync
  • [] Peer pool
  • [] Eth1 integration
  • [] fork choice
  • [] v0.10.x / BLS


  • [] Block, attestation and validator pools
  • [] Finalization tests in CI
  • [] Monitoring
    • Improve the debugging experience to easily pinpoint where issue came from.
  • [] Multinet scripts
  • [] Mainnet


  • technical debt
  • debugging
  • documentation
  • communication

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.