Build #145
1 error and 4 warnings
docker build 8.3
failed with: Error: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c additionalPackages=\" apt-transport-https git wget gnupg msmtp-mta subversion mariadb-client openssh-client rsync unzip locales \" buildDeps=\" freetds-dev libbz2-dev libc-client-dev libffi-dev libfreetype6-dev libgmp3-dev libicu-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libmagickwand-dev libkrb5-dev libldap2-dev libmcrypt-dev libpng-dev libpq-dev libpspell-dev libonig-dev librabbitmq-dev libsasl2-dev libsnmp-dev libssl-dev libtidy-dev libxml2-dev libxpm-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev libzip-dev \" && runDeps=\" imagemagick libc-client2007e libfreetype6 libicu-dev libjpeg62-turbo libpq5 libsybdb5 libtidy-dev libx11-dev libxpm4 libxslt1.1 libzip4 snmp \" && phpModules=\" bcmath bz2 calendar dba exif ffi ftp gd gettext gmp imap intl ldap mysqli opcache pcntl pdo pdo_dblib pdo_mysql pdo_pgsql pgsql pspell shmop snmp soap sockets sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm tidy xsl zip xdebug \" && peclModules=\" amqp igbinary imagick mongodb redis \" && echo \"force-unsafe-io\" > /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/02apt-speedup && echo \"Acquire::http {No-Cache=True;};\" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/no-cache && apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends $additionalPackages $buildDeps $runDeps && docker-php-source extract && cd /usr/src/php/ext/ && curl -L$XDEBUG_VERSION.tgz | tar -zxf - && mv xdebug-$XDEBUG_VERSION xdebug && ln -s /usr/include/*-linux-gnu/gmp.h /usr/include/gmp.h && ln -s /usr/lib/*-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/ && ln -s /usr/lib/*-linux-gnu/libldap_r.a /usr/lib/libldap_r.a && ln -s /usr/lib/*-linux-gnu/libsybdb.a /usr/lib/libsybdb.a && ln -s /usr/lib/*-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/ && docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype --with-jpeg && docker-php-ext-configure imap --with-imap --with-kerberos --with-imap-ssl && docker-php-ext-configure ldap --with-ldap-sasl && docker-php-ext-install $phpModules && for ext in $phpModules; do rm -f /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-$ext.ini; done && pecl install $peclModules && docker-php-source delete && apt-get purge -y --auto-remove -o APT::AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant=false -o APT::AutoRemove::SuggestsImportant=false $buildDeps && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
docker build 8.0
The following actions use a deprecated Node.js version and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, docker/login-action@v2. For more info:
docker build 8.1
The following actions use a deprecated Node.js version and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, docker/login-action@v2. For more info:
docker build 8.2
The following actions use a deprecated Node.js version and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, docker/login-action@v2. For more info:
docker build 8.3
The following actions use a deprecated Node.js version and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, docker/login-action@v2. For more info: