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Stephane Carrez edited this page Jan 15, 2015 · 1 revision

Concurrent Counter

The Counters package defines data types which provide atomic increment and decrement operations. It is intended to be used in a multi-threaded environment.

Arithmetic Operations Are Not Thread-Safe

Lets suppose we have a Counter variable of type Integer, the following Ada statement is not thread safe because it is not atomic.

  Counter := Counter + 1;

The language (and the compiler) cannot guarantee that such operation be atomic. An instruction can be generated to read the counter, another one to increment and a third one to save the value. For example, on a Sparc, the following could be generated:

  ld      [%g1
  add     %g1, 1, %g1
  st      %g1, [%o0](%o0],)

On x86 processors, the compiler could use an incl instruction as follows:

  incl %(eax)

Still, this is not correct in multi-processor environments. Since each processor have their own cache, a concurrent access to the same memory location will result to unpredictable results. To avoid this, it is necessary to use special instructions that will force the memory location to be synchronized. On x86, this is achieved by the lock instruction. The following is guaranteed to be atomic on multi-processors:

  incl %(eax)

For Sparc, Mips and other processors, the implementation requires to loop until either a lock is get (Spinlock) or it is guaranteed that no other processor has modified the counter at the same time.

Reference Counting

The Counter type can be used for the implementation of object reference counting.

Type Declarations

Lets define a type for which we want to track the references. The record type could hold the reference counter:

with Util.Concurrent.Counters;
use Util.Concurrent;
type Node is limited record
   Ref_Counter : Counters.Counter;
end record;
type Node_Access is access all Node;

Now, lets define the type that will hold the access to our object instance. The goal is to track the references of our instance in order to free it when there is no reference to it. For this we use the Ada Finalization package.

type Expression is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
   Node  : Node_Access := null;
end record;


The Adjust procedure is called immediately after an assignment. The reference counter has to be updated and is incremented. The Increment procedure guarantees that the increment is atomic even on a multi-processor environment (The naive Counter := Counter + 1 implementation does not guarantee anything).

procedure Adjust (Object : in out Expression) is
   if Object.Node /= null then
      Counters.Increment (Object.Node.Ref_Counter);
   end if;
end Adjust;


The Finalize procedure is called before the object is finalized. The reference counter must be decremented and the object can be released when the counter reaches 0.

procedure Finalize (Object : in out Expression) is
   Is_Zero : Boolean;
   if Object.Node /= null then
      Counters.Decrement (Object.Node.Ref_Counter, Is_Zero);
      if Is_Zero then
         Delete (Object.Node);
      end if;
   end if;
end Finalize;



The x86 based implementation uses the lock instruction. The Increment and Decrement operations can be inlined.


= Default

The default implementation uses an Ada protected type to guarantee the atomicity.

protected type Cnt is
  procedure Increment;
  procedure Decrement (Is_Zero : out Boolean);
  function Get return Natural;
  N : Integer := 0;
end Cnt;

type Counter is limited record
  Value : Cnt;
end record;



Showing multiprocessor issue when updating a shared counter