Steadybit Testcontainers is a helper library to the Testcontainers Project to implement Resilience Tests.
We have a blog post discussing "Resilience Tests with Testcontainers" which gives a more detailed explanation.
Add this to the test dependencies in your pom.xml
Here is an example for delaying the Redis traffic:
public class RedisBackedCacheIntTest {
private RedisBackedCache underTest;
public GenericContainer redis = new GenericContainer(DockerImageName.parse("redis:5.0.3-alpine")).withExposedPorts(6379);
public void setUp() {
underTest = new RedisBackedCache(redis.getHost(), redis.getFirstMappedPort());
public void testFindingAnInsertedValue() {
underTest.put("foo", "FOO");
Optional<String> foundObject = Steadybit.networkDelayPackages(Duration.ofSeconds(2))
.exec(() -> {
//this code runs after the attack was started.
//As soon as this lambda exits the attack will be stopped.
return underTest.get("foo", String.class);
assertTrue("When an object in the cache is retrieved, it can be found", foundObject.isPresent());
assertEquals("When we put a String in to the cache and retrieve it, the value is the same", "FOO", foundObject.get());
: Delays egress tcp/udp network packages for containers (on eth0 by default)networkLoosePackages
: Looses egress tcp/udp network packages for containers (on eth0 by default)networkCorruptPackages
: Corrupts egress tcp/udp network packages for containers (on eth0 by default)networkLimitBandwidth
: Limits tcp/udp network bandwidth for containers (on eth0 by default)networkBlackhole
: Blocks all network traffic for containersnetworkBlockDns
: Blocks all network traffic for containers on dns port (53)