Drag&drop location markers on&off Google Maps with this React component, not just draggable markers
. Internet Explorer has degraded performance but still works thanks to Mihai Valentin
Live gmap-dragdrop-react examples, takes 150sec to start on free hosting.
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$ npm install --save gmap-dragdrop-react
$ gulp
import {GmapDragDrop} from 'gmap-dragdrop-react'
const CYPRESS = {lat: 49.396, lng: -123.204, title_text: "Cypress Mountain"}
const GROUSE = {lat: 49.380, lng: -123.082, title_text: "Grouse Mountain"}
const SEYMOUR = {lat: 49.367, lng: -122.948, title_text: "Mount Seymour"}
const GOOGLE_MAP_KEY = "abcdefgh**_Google_Map_API_Key_**ijelmen"
map_locations={[CYPRESS, GROUSE, SEYMOUR]}
map_options={ init_zoom:7, onAdd:(e)=>{ console.log('added a map location') } }
/>, document.getElementById('gmap-container-id'))
Required Type: string
The 40 character Google API Key
Type: array
Array of locations to display on the map. A location is an object consisting of at least a 'lat' and 'lng' property
map_locations={ [ ] }
Type: object
map_options={ init_zoom : 7 }
Type: function
map_options={ onAdd: (e)=>{
const {location_data, gmap_event} = e.gmap_params
console.log('onAdd : with this data', gmap_event._object_type)
return location_data
import {GmapDragDrop} from 'gmap-dragdrop-react'
let gmap_drag_drop_instance = ReactDOM.render(<GmapDragDrop
google_map_key ={"abcdefgh**_Google_Map_API_Key_**ijelmen"}
map_locations={ [ {lat: 12.34, lng: 12.34} ] }
/>, document.getElementById('gmap-container-id'))
let number_locations = gmap_drag_drop_instance.numberLocations()
console.log('There are currently ' + number_markers + ' on the map')
Get a Google Maps API key at https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key
- setDragImage-IE - setDragImage method support for HTML5 Drag & Drop in Internet Explorer 10+. This method is used to support marker dragging in IE.