Systray widget used to load ICC color profiles with different color temperatures, either on demand or automatically based on the sun's position.
iccloader's main inspiration is redshift.
iccloader &
The program was tested on Linux with ICC profiles generated by ArgyllCMS using dispcalGUI as a front-end.
Various color temperatures in Kelvin were set for the white point. In auto loading mode, iccloader will use the highest temperature during the day, the lowest during the night and the rest for the transition period.
The sun's position needed to determine these intervals is computed based on latitude and longitude using solpos.
./configure VALAC=$(type -P valac-0.36)
layman -a stefantalpalaru
emerge iccloader
when adding ICC/ICM files in the "Preferences" window, try the "Auto add" functionality first. If the files were generated using dispcalGUI and saved in one of the known directories, the corresponding color temperatures will be inferred from the file names.
when using OpenStreetMap to get your position, the latitude and longitude are the last 2 numbers in the URL. E.g.: for lat=45.4298 and lon=9.1936
if you want smoother transitions, create more ICC profiles in the day-night interval
if you don't need color management and would like seamless transitions, try redshift
The screenshots are using the Zukitwo GTK3 theme and Tango icons.
- "solpos" will stop working after 2050
author: Ștefan Talpalaru