is a Vapor 3 service for a popular email sending API
Vapor Mailgun Service can be installed with Swift Package Manager
.package(url: "", from: "0.4.0")
Sign up and set up a Mailgun account here
Make sure you get an API key and register a custom domain
In configure.swift
let mailgun = Mailgun(apiKey: "<api key>", domain: "")
services.register(mailgun, as: Mailgun.self)
In routes.swift
:"mail") { (req) -> Future<Response> in
let message = Mailgun.Message(
from: "",
to: "",
subject: "Newsletter",
text: "This is a newsletter",
html: "<h1>This is a newsletter</h1>"
let mailgun = try req.make(Mailgun.self)
return try mailgun.send(message, on: req)