A blockchain implementation of I Ching divination.
Use Blockchain to store information for eternity.
- written in Solidity for EVM
- Stored information must be easily readable and on-the-same-chain.
- Contracts, except core NFT contract, must be upgradable
- Encrypt information
- Retrieve different image / metadata versions.
- Have a low gas fee at mint.
- use Wagmi & React
- implement RainbowKit as wallet connect
The draw result of I Ching divination is store as an NFT
- image: animated SVG store on-the-same-chain (not on IPFS or on other chain)
- message: json with name & question. Can be stored encrypted.
- is message encrypted: true / false
if encrypted message
- to remember how to decrypt the message
- add version management for metadata / image, tokenURI(tokenID, version)
Possibility to change getNumbers()
in a new contract.
Note : random could be render locally.
An affiliate must earn revenues publishing
make an easy IFrame integration for any website page.
Add the possibility to new Blockchain users, to create an account, pay with card & have a non-custodial wallet see web3auth.io
Development use Solidity language and Foundry
Random will be used on-chain
image is an animated svg and can have multiple versions
draw will be save on-chain in an NFT
- erc721
- metadata and image are on-the-same-chain
- image is read from previous contract
- must have a specific tokenURI to retrieve specific image version
To share benefits from mint with affiliated
- add/remove affiliate member
- member has address and percent retribution in basis point (bp)
Contract Name | Address |
NFT | 0x58e966f7CB649806cAE4135e32f5842A0Dc8a034 |
Metadata | 0x8C7b569CfECc0264CDFB1590B66bf990B7B86Bc9 |
Image | 0xEdFcEF085C78592Efc0E361540c42A6583C3673A |
Affiliation | 0x799d2d814f39727966a59461f4A7c4630AD7eCC2 |
Random | 0x267e415EBa5a62929F01c758503B0668E03A99D8 |
Contract Name | Address |
NFT | 0x33a0FD74321dD4EA3db91277AEf379cd297191ed |
Metadata | 0x58e966f7CB649806cAE4135e32f5842A0Dc8a034 |
Image | 0x799d2d814f39727966a59461f4A7c4630AD7eCC2 |
Affiliation | 0x8C7b569CfECc0264CDFB1590B66bf990B7B86Bc9 |
Random | 0xEdFcEF085C78592Efc0E361540c42A6583C3673A |
By writing your name or pseudonym and a well-chosen question, we can consider the intention to be fixed. To have the first hexagram call for Yi Jing divination, we use randomness, assuming that the random hexagram result is equal to the yarrow-stalk method or coins method results. The randomness is on-chain, but it could be generated by the server. The usage of on-chain VRF like Chainlink VRF is not used because it is not necessary.
To save draw, pseudo & question for eternity, we mint an NFT
There is no on-chain solution to encrypt data on-chain. By now, solution is to encrypt the message by yourself. For example, using elliptic curve consuming to much gas in EVM. Solution can be find in other non-EVM blockchains or layers 2.
You can mint on Sepolia and Mumbai testnets
Get free tokens to test: